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Russia and Turkey shift to visaless regimen

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visa passANKARA, April 16 (Itar-Tass) — The agreement between the governments of Russia and Turkey on the conditions of mutual trips by citizens of the two countries entered into force on Saturday. It was signed in Ankara on May 12, 2010 during President Dmitry Medvedev’s first visit to Turkey. The last finishing touch to the practical application of these arrangements was made in March this year with the ratification of the agreement on readmission.

The easier visa regimen enables people in either country to travel to the other without wasting time on visa procedures at the embassies or at the border. As Russian general consul in Ankara Alexei Shivanov told Itar-Tass, the agreement establishes a 30-day period during which the citizen who has, for example, a standard Russian foreign passport can continuously stay in the territory of Turkey.

“There are certain restrictions, though. Russians and Turks may stay in the other state without a visa for a total of 90 days during a 180-day period. That is, within six months they can enter and leave the territory of the country without any restrictions, but they may stay there for no more than 90 days,” he said. For longer visits the applicants will have to turn to the consular authorities to obtain visas, as before. The agreement leaves in place restrictions for citizens entering the territory of the other state in connection with employment, for studies or other purposes requiring presence over 30 days.


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