International money transfers to Turkey to rise?

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HiFX News@ 12:00 AM

International money transfers to Turkey could be on the rise with a number of “exceptional” property developments due to launch this year.

A recent press conference, held by the Turkish Real Estate Investing Partners Association, revealed that property sales in Turkey to foreigners rose by 40 per cent last year compared to 2009.

Indeed, total sales to people from abroad were valued at around $2.5 billion (£1.53 billion).

President of the association, Ipyk Gokkaya, said that the boost in sales is due an increasing level of confidence in Turkey as a whole.

Julian Walker, managing director of Turkish property agents Spot Blue, added that Turkey has learned from other Mediterranean markets and has “steadily increased its real estate offering to foreigners without over stretching resources or demand”.

Using an international money transfer service to send money to Turkey could help to keep down the cost of wiring cash internationally if you are considering purchasing overseas property.

Click here to make an International Money transfer to Turkey

Posted by Sarah PittonADNFCR-1995-ID-800502361-ADNFCR

via International money transfers to Turkey to rise? | News | HiFX News.

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