Turkey closes in on Spain as Brits’ top cheap holiday destination, says new survey

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TURKEY is becoming THE place to head for a bargain break thanks to plummeting hotel and restaurant prices.

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A survey of visitor numbers shows Turkey is closing the gap on long-time favourite Spain and is now the cheapest short-haul ­sunshine spot outside the ­eurozone.

Resort prices have plunged by 10 per cent since last year – the biggest drop across Europe – and the pound has ­strengthened against the Turkish lira.

While prices elsewhere have risen, the average cost of a coffee in Turkey has fallen from £2.03 a year ago to £1.97 now, beer is down from £2.49 to £2.41 and a pack of cigarettes is £2.49, down from £3.07. Post Office ­researchers compared the year-on-year cost of 10 tourist staples ­including soft drinks, sunscreen and an evening meal in the resort of ­Marmaris.

The price of bottled water and sunscreen has risen, but the cost of a restaurant meal for a family of four has dropped from £69 to £55 – 21 per cent ­cheaper

Many are already taking ­advantage of the deals, with sales of Turkish lira up eight per cent on last year at post offices.

And tour operators have ­responded to the better exchange rates by ­cutting the cost of package deals by up to £203.

Around 2.6million Britons visited Turkey last year – up from ­2.1million in 2008.

Post Office head of travel Sarah Munro said: “Turkey is back on the radar as a value destination. Prices are well down while Sterling is up four per cent.”

via Turkey closes in on Spain as Brits’ top cheap holiday destination, says new survey – mirror.co.uk.

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