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NATO chief to visit Turkey

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ANKARA: NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen is to meet with Turkish leaders on Monday for talks expected to focus on NATO operations in conflict-torn Libya, a senior diplomat said on Friday.

He is scheduled to have talks with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, foreign ministry spokesman Selcuk Unal said.

“Relations between Turkey and NATO in general and the mission in Libya will be on the agenda,” Unal told AFP.

NATO took full control of Libyan operations on Thursday, replacing a US-led coalition that had been conducted air raids since March 19. Turkey, NATO’s sole predominantly Muslim member and a key regional player, had slammed the strikes, vowing to “never point a gun at the Libyan people.”

Last week, the Turkish parliament approved the dispatch of six military vessels to a NATO patrol mission in Libyan waters as the government moved reluctantly to join the military campaign. afp

via Daily Times – Leading News Resource of Pakistan – NATO chief to visit Turkey.

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