Turkey intended to appoint Armenian as OECD envoy

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In line with the government’s efforts to thaw the ice between the state and ethnic and religious minorities, Davutoğlu planned to appoint a Turkish-Armenian as the country’s permanent representative to a leading international organization, officials confirmed on Tuesday.

World Bulletin / News Desk


In line with the government’s efforts to thaw the ice between the state and ethnic and religious minorities, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu planned to appoint a Turkish-Armenian as the country’s permanent representative to a leading international organization, officials confirmed on Tuesday.

However, because the academic Davutoğlu had in mind prefers to continue his career in academia, the planned appointment did not take place, a senior diplomat told Cihan news agency.

Had he accepted, the academic would have been appointed Turkey’s permanent representative to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the same diplomat said.

Davutoğlu himself already disclosed his intention on Saturday in İstanbul at a closed session of the Wilton Park conference on “Turkey’s policies of engagement in the contemporary world,” the diplomat confirmed, while noting that the minister did not, however, disclose the name of the academic he planned to appoint.

“We don’t solely want to continue our efforts for normalization with Armenia, but we also want to launch a new opening to our citizens of Armenian ancestry. Accordingly, we wanted to appoint an Armenian as envoy to the OECD. However, he did not accept the proposal because he is busy with his academic research,” the diplomat quoted Davutoğlu as saying at the conference.

The Armenian AZG daily, meanwhile, cited an anonymous senior Turkish Foreign Ministry official as saying that the academic was likely to be Doran Acemoğlu, a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Acemoğlu, born in İstanbul in 1967, is among the 10 most cited economists in the world according to IDEAS/RePEc and was in 88th place on Foreign Policy’s list of the 100 Top Global Thinkers of 2010.

via Turkey intended to appoint Armenian as OECD envoy | Diplomacy | World Bulletin.

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3 responses to “Turkey intended to appoint Armenian as OECD envoy”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    Nothing new …..Turkish goverments has and has all kind ethnic-backgrounds and all called Turkish and as long as you do not robbed the Otttoman Central Bank and betrayed your citizenship to your fellow citizens (( Proverb -ATASOZU yedigi canaga sicmamak )) ve dahasi ve ahasi olarak soyle devam edebiliriz de …..Arkadaslar,Turkiye Cumhuriyeti cikarlarini sadece anti-musali yahudi ve anti-isali hiristiyanlar sabote eder….Soyleki Turkiyede ve dunyada hepimizin Termite (agac kurdu) oldugunu dusunursek Iki turlu Termite(agac Kurdu ) oldugunu goruruz .Ataturkun kurdugu Turkiye Cumhuriyetinde Termite Yasama kurallari Ataturkun nutuklariyla belirlenmis ve cogunluk olan Termitler bununla uysallasmis olan iyi davranisli Termitler yani sira Anti-Muasali ve anti-Isali Dis (yabanci -yani essek arisi gibi olan Termitler ) bizdeki Ataturkun nutuklarini ve onun kurdugu Turkiye Cumhuriyetinde AZGINLASMIS TERMIT larimizla ciftleserek daha azgin termite olarak uysal olan termitlerimizin cikarlarini baltalamak istiyorlar YANI BIZDEKI AZGIN TERMITLER BASIN KARTI ALIP DIGER UYSAL TERMITLERIN CIKARLARINI BALTAMAK VE RAHATSIZ ETMEK ICIN DIS KAYNAKLI AZGIN TERMITLERLE CIFTLESMEK ISTEMESI GIBI ve BIZIM UYSAL TERMITLERIN ITIRAZI UZERINE DIS KOKENLI AZGIN ANNE TERMITE BIZE KARSI CIGLIK ATIOYOR ve BIZI SUCLU GOSTERME CABALARI. Termitleri dunyada kimse sevmez onun icin gas odalarinda gazla oldururler hep birden .Sadece Turk demokrasi dunyada birinci ve gercek olup SADECE AZGIN TERMITLERI KARANTIYE ALIR (hapiste tutar ki uysal termitler zarar gormesin ) YANI KOTU DAVRANISLI TERMIT LERI BILE OLDURMUYORUZ KAPALI KUTUDA (hapistte) BESLIYORUZ (oteki ulkelerde butun termitler oldurulur tolerans yoktur. onlarin demokrasi anlayisi yarim yamalaktir.) Bizdeki Kotu davranisli termitler karantine devresinde Ataturkun nutuklarini okuma sansi vardir ve Turkiye Cuymhuriyetnin KAYITSIZ ve SARTSIZ OLARAK ADAPTE OLMA SANSI DUNYADA TEK VE BIRINCI NUMARA OLAN DEMOKRASIYLE SANS TANINMISTIR.tabi ki bu da (Medeniyet dedigin tek disi kalmis ) Canavar denilen Anne Termit i cilgina cevirip bizi suclar devamli…..(cesitli olaylarda gordugunuz gibi ve hepsinin nedeni aynidir) ATATURK ilim ve sanata deger vermis oldugundan NUKLLEER SANTRALA EVET DER DOGAL OLARAK .Zaten Allah ta derki Eger iyi termite olursan bu dunyada seni (zelzele ve saire dogal afetlerden ) koruyacagini soyler . ONUN ICIN TURKIYED EKI BUTUN TERMITLERIMIZIN YAPACAGI TEK SEY SUDUR ve TURKIYE CUMHURIYETINDE YASADIKLARINI UNUTMAMAKTIR ( Atasozu Yedigi canagin icine sicmamak) Iste tek yapilacak sey ; Ey Turkiye cumhuriyeti vatandaslari. sabah ve aksamlari hep birden Koro halinde Ataturk un Nutuklarini okuyunuz ve saglikli kaliniz.Ic ve dis seytanlari samsir yapingiz
    termite(agac kurdu) gazeteci kardi almis ve anti-musali yahudi ve anti- Isali hristiyan icin yazi yazarmis ve karantinaya alinmis. Anne termite de cilgina donmus gargara yaparmis mis DIP NOT; Butun Ataturkun Nutuklarini Kopya yapip Elden ele Dolastirip ve Hediye olarak birbirinize verin ve de Hatta Hep beraber KORO HALINDE SOYLEYINIZ ( ATASOZU elemtere fis kem gozlere sis ) Ayrica Basbakanlik basim evine de poliitikacilara da ( sabah aksam okumalari ve Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Koltuguna azgin termite olarak zarar vermemesiu Icin )Ataturk un nutuklarini sparis veriniz….

  2. vdemirw Avatar

    WHO IS TURK OR TURKIHS……… Good hearted Ardent brought up the subject which is alltime sleeping carbon copy subject in human beeing where good versus evil 24-7 Here how it works…..within the borders of Turkish Repeblic all the citizens called Turk,Turkish citizen.If i ask you your etnic background you may say yours….because everybody has different ethnic back ground….it may reached to hundred kimds.Everybody open their eyes there is no only Kurdish or Armenian bakgrounds in Turkey.

  3. vdemirw Avatar

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