Turkey sticking to nuclear plans despite Japan disaster

Japanese medical personnel check a child for radiation exposure in Fukushima. Turkish officials say that what happened at Japan's nuclear facilities will not stop the nation's plant to build power plants. Asahi Shimbun / EPA
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ISTANBUL // Turkey will press on with plans to build the country’s first nuclear power plants despite the latest nuclear accidents in Japan, a decision the opposition and environmental activists say is irresponsible in the face of widespread earthquake risks in Turkey.

Japanese medical personnel check a child for radiation exposure in Fukushima. Turkish officials say that what happened at Japan's nuclear facilities will not stop the nation's plant to build power plants.  Asahi Shimbun / EPA
Japanese medical personnel check a child for radiation exposure in Fukushima. Turkish officials say that what happened at Japan's nuclear facilities will not stop the nation's plant to build power plants. Asahi Shimbun / EPA

“We will not give up on our determination in the nuclear field,” Taner Yildiz, Turkey’s energy minister, said this week.

The minister added that the reactors causing trouble in Japan after last Friday’s earthquake and tsunami were outdated. “It is a technology from 40 years ago,” the minister said. “Today’s safety systems are much more advanced.”

The minister’s statement came as other countries, including Germany and Switzerland, announced they were reviewing their positions regarding the use of nuclear power in the light of events in Japan.

Plans to build nuclear facilities in Turkey go back several decades but gathered fresh momentum in recent years. In 2009, Ankara sent out a tender for the construction of the country’s first reactor, which is scheduled to go online between 2016 and 2019.

Opponents of nuclear power say the risk of earthquakes in almost all of Turkey makes the technology too dangerous. Smaller quakes are registered in the country almost every day, and tens of thousands of people have died from massive quakes in the past few decades. Close to 20,000 people died in an earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale in the north-west of the country in 1999. A quake measuring a 4.6 magnitude shook the eastern Turkish city of Van late on Monday. There were no reports of injuries or damages. (The moment magnitude scale has generally replaced the Richter scale, though the scales are comparable.)

Countries around the world were taking a new and critical look at nuclear technology, Pinar Aksogan, an energy expert of the environmental organisation Greenpeace, said in a statement. “And what is our energy minister Taner Yildiz doing? He keeps the nuclear crisis hidden from the public and acts as if everything is under control.” She accused the minister of “putting all of our lives at risk”.

A small group of demonstrators gathered at Taksim Square in the centre of Istanbul this week to protest against the government’s determination to build nuclear reactors. “We do not want nuclear power plants,” they shouted.

Ankara argues that Turkey needs nuclear energy to help fuel the country’s rapidly growing economy, to avoid environmental pollution and to reduce dependence on natural gas imports, mostly from Russia and Iran. About half of Turkey’s energy needs are met by natural gas and roughly one third by coal-fuelled power plants. Turkey’s economy has doubled in size in the past 10 years and is expected to grow by 4.5 per cent this year.

Environmentalists say Turkey should do much more to boost renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power and could make its energy system more efficient by taking steps towards more safe energy sources and to avoiding energy waste.

Turkey’s power plant is scheduled to be built in Akkuyu, near Mersin on the Mediterranean coast, while another one is planned to be built in Sinop on the Black Sea. Russian companies are to build the reactor in Akkuyu, while negotiations with Japanese companies to build the plant in Sinop are ongoing. The projects are expected to cost around US$20 billion (Dh73.4bn) each.

Mr Yildiz, the energy minister, conceded that there were lessons to be learnt from recent events in Japan and that those lessons would form part of the negotiations for Turkey’s reactors. But he stressed that nuclear power would be safe despite the risk of earthquakes and that the situation in Japan was not comparable to conditions in Turkey.

“Of course there is no danger of a tsunami here,” the minister said. “And we do not expect an earthquake here, even if one occurs, God forbid, to be that strong,” he said in reference to the 9.0-magnitude quake in Japan last week.

Because the governing Justice and Development Party, or AKP, seems determined to push ahead with its nuclear plans, the debate will probably heat up further before parliamentary elections scheduled for June 12. Ali Riza Ozturk, an opposition deputy in parliament representing Mersin, the city near the planned nuclear site of Akkuyu, called on Mr Yildiz to explain why he wants to stick with the project despite the risks.

“Does the minister have firm evidence that there will be no earthquake in Akkuyu, or is Mersin not important to the AKP government?” Mr Ozturk asked in written questions addressed to Mr Yildiz, which under parliamentary rules the minister is obliged to answer.

Some observers also voiced doubts about the safety of the Akkuyu site. Necdet Pamir, an energy expert, told Vatan newspaper that the permission to build a nuclear reactor in Akkuyu was issued in the 1970s, at a time when seismologists were unaware of a tectonic fault just 20km to 25km to the north-east of the site. “After the events in Japan we have to fundamentally revisit the permission for the nuclear power plant at Akkuyu.”

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via Full: Turkey sticking to nuclear plans despite Japan disaster – The National.

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2 responses to “Turkey sticking to nuclear plans despite Japan disaster”

  1. mok10501 Avatar

    As I already commented to this article before in a different publication, I agree with the decision of the Turkish government. In 21st century, you cannot live without any risks. If you afraid of having accidents, don’t even leave home and don’t use automobiles, particularly in Turkey. You may go back and use the donkeys and horse carts to avoid the risks of automobiles. As I have gathered from T.C. Transportation statistics; in last ten years average 2500 deaths/year occurs and 52000 severe handicaps left from traffic accidents alone. What is this a war? The country needs energy. Can you get it cheaper from your Muslim brethren? How deadly is burning carbon-hydrates? Look at Iran and all Arab world around you, they swim on a sea of oil and natural gas but still have their nuclear power plant built even though with difficulties. Does Iran free from earthquakes? How about the rest of the world? We are already living in a area that has been populated with several old and unreliable nuclear power plants which are still operating. Metzamor in Armenia less than 30 km from our eastern border. The black sea is already an nuclear triangle. Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine have combined 20 nuclear power plants operating in the north. What would happened if the wind was blowing towards us when the Chernobyl event took place? The risk is always there in any engineering projects and machines that we build. The issue is to learn how to live with the risk with a solid conscience on safety and safety culture that is beyond anybody’s dreams. Can Turkey achieve that level of conscience?

  2. vdemirw Avatar

    Dunyada ve Turkiye de iki cesit termite (agac Kurdu ) var ….(( HUZURLU Ve MUZURLU OLANI ))Allah demiski .. EGER HUZURLU DURURSAN SENIN OLDUGUN YERI FELAKETLERDEN KORURUM demis…. yani nukleer santralla alakasi yokmus…Ataturk te Nutuklarin da aynisini soylemis soyle devam ediyor…… ARKADASLAR, TURKIYE NIN CIKARINA KARSI OLANLAR anti-musali yahudiler ve anti-Isali hristiyan azgin (agressive ) termit (agac Kurdu ) olup ,Turkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandasi olupta azgin termit lerle el sikisip Lucifier Virus ( seytan mikrobu ) almis ve Ataturk un nutuklarindan haberi olmayan ve degisik sifatlar altin da ( milletvekili, belediye reisi,gazeteci karti arkasinda azgin Termit ler ( agac kurdu) gibi kemirenlerimize BUTUN ATATURK un NUTUKLARININ KOPYASINI VERIN ve KORO halinde sabah ve aksamlari soyleyin. Turkiye ile ilgilenen ic ve dis HUZURLU ve MUZURLU TURK ve YABANCI TERMITLERE DUYURULUR ve TURKIYE CUMHURIYETININ KURALLARI ATA nin NUTUKLARINDA OLDUGU HATIRLATILIR …..Asagida devam edilmistir.
    Arkadaslar,Turkiye Cumhuriyeti cikarlarini sadece anti-musali yahudi ve anti-isali hiristiyanlar sabote eder….Soyleki Turkiyede ve dunyada hepimizin Termite (agac kurdu) oldugunu dusunursek Iki turlu Termite(agac Kurdu ) oldugunu goruruz .Ataturkun kurdugu Turkiye Cumhuriyetinde Termite Yasama kurallari Ataturkun nutuklariyla belirlenmis ve cogunluk olan Termitler bununla uysallasmis olan iyi davranisli Termitler yani sira Anti-Muasali ve anti-Isali Dis (yabanci -yani essek arisi gibi olan Termitler ) bizdeki Ataturkun nutuklarini ve onun kurdugu Turkiye Cumhuriyetinde AZGINLASMIS TERMIT larimizla ciftleserek daha azgin termite olarak uysal olan termitlerimizin cikarlarini baltalamak istiyorlar YANI BIZDEKI AZGIN TERMITLER BASIN KARTI ALIP DIGER UYSAL TERMITLERIN CIKARLARINI BALTAMAK VE RAHATSIZ ETMEK ICIN DIS KAYNAKLI AZGIN TERMITLERLE CIFTLESMEK ISTEMESI GIBI ve BIZIM UYSAL TERMITLERIN ITIRAZI UZERINE DIS KOKENLI AZGIN ANNE TERMITE BIZE KARSI CIGLIK ATIOYOR ve BIZI SUCLU GOSTERME CABALARI. Termitleri dunyada kimse sevmez onun icin gas odalarinda gazla oldururler hep birden .Sadece Turk demokrasi dunyada birinci ve gercek olup SADECE AZGIN TERMITLERI KARANTIYE ALIR (hapiste tutar ki uysal termitler zarar gormesin ) YANI KOTU DAVRANISLI TERMIT LERI BILE OLDURMUYORUZ KAPALI KUTUDA (hapistte) BESLIYORUZ (oteki ulkelerde butun termitler oldurulur tolerans yoktur. onlarin demokrasi anlayisi yarim yamalaktir.) Bizdeki Kotu davranisli termitler karantine devresinde Ataturkun nutuklarini okuma sansi vardir ve Turkiye Cuymhuriyetnin KAYITSIZ ve SARTSIZ OLARAK ADAPTE OLMA SANSI DUNYADA TEK VE BIRINCI NUMARA OLAN DEMOKRASIYLE SANS TANINMISTIR.tabi ki bu da (Medeniyet dedigin tek disi kalmis ) Canavar denilen Anne Termit i cilgina cevirip bizi suclar devamli…..(cesitli olaylarda gordugunuz gibi ve hepsinin nedeni aynidir) ATATURK ilim ve sanata deger vermis oldugundan NUKLLEER SANTRALA EVET DER DOGAL OLARAK .Zaten Allah ta derki Eger iyi termite olursan bu dunyada seni (zelzele ve saire dogal afetlerden ) koruyacagini soyler . ONUN ICIN TURKIYED EKI BUTUN TERMITLERIMIZIN YAPACAGI TEK SEY SUDUR ve TURKIYE CUMHURIYETINDE YASADIKLARINI UNUTMAMAKTIR ( Atasozu Yedigi canagin icine sicmamak) Iste tek yapilacak sey ; Ey Turkiye cumhuriyeti vatandaslari. sabah ve aksamlari hep birden Koro halinde Ataturk un Nutuklarini okuyunuz ve saglikli kaliniz.Ic ve dis seytanlari samsir yapingiz
    termite(agac kurdu) gazeteci kardi almis ve anti-musali yahudi ve anti- Isali hristiyan icin yazi yazarmis ve karantinaya alinmis. Anne termite de cilgina donmus gargara yaparmis mis DIP NOT; Butun Ataturkun Nutuklarini Kopya yapip Elden ele Dolastirip ve Hediye olarak birbirinize verin ve de Hatta Hep beraber KORO HALINDE SOYLEYINIZ ( ATASOZU elemtere fis kem gozlere sis ) Ayrica Basbakanlik basim evine de poliitikacilara da ( sabah aksam okumalari ve Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Koltuguna azgin termite olarak zarar vermemesiu Icin )Ataturk un nutuklarini sparis veriniz….

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