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Tanrı misafiri “God’s Guest”

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33726 102409639826068 102386316495067 17145 2607167 n1Hospitality is one of the cornerstones of the Turkish way of life. Turkish people are the most gracious and generous hosts as a result of their naturalinstincts. In every corner of the country such a traditional hospitality will meet you. Every individual feels bound to honor his guest in the best possible manner. They will open their houses to every guest with a smiling face and withall their sincerity give the best seat and cook the best food for their guest. Turkish people are very understanding about foreigners’ different customs and they try to communicate in order to help visitors according to their code of hospitality. The mentality of that hospitality is “whatever religion you are from, whichever country you come from, whatever language you speak, you are’God’s Guest’ ,” so you deserve to be welcomed in the best manner.

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