The Amazonian Guards – Gaddafi’s Bodyguards

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Gaddafi’s choice of bodyguards has been the subject of much media attention. His 40-member bodyguard contingent, known as the Amazonian Guard, is entirely female. All women who qualify for duty supposedly must be virgins, and are hand-picked by Gaddafi himself. They are trained in the use of firearms and martial arts at a special academy before entering service.

Gaddafi is already having his own version of heaven on earth by having an entourage of female supposedly virgin body guards that live and will die for him. What is up with that?
gadhafi bodyguards

His argument on creating female fighters is that if women are trained and taught the art of
combat they can better protect themselves and not be victims like those in other war torn
Arab countries.

His female body guards known as The Amazonian Guard are killing machines. They are trained
to protect him and die for him. They also take a vow of chastity and apparently many young
women are dying to take on this role. As a matter of fact one got killed saving his life
when his convoy was attacked by assasins by throwing herself in the line of fire.

So even if Gadaffi doesn’t see his dream of being the first leader of a United States of
Africa, atleast he has seen his heaven on earth.

For sure, some of these ladies are real stunners, but they’ll stun you, too or “knock you
out… if you mess with their supreme leader. Some wear lipstick, jewelry, polished nails,
even high heels.

Gaddafi is in safe hands . These virgins can kick a$$…

The Libyan leader’s female guards are trained to kill.

More trained killers…

Muammar Gaddafi fears flying over water, prefers staying on the ground floor and almost never travels without his trusted Ukrainian nurse, a “voluptuous blonde,” Galina Kolotnytska.

Qadhafi relies heavily on his long-time Ukrainian nurse, Galyna Kolotnytska, who has been described as a “voluptuous blonde.”

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One response to “The Amazonian Guards – Gaddafi’s Bodyguards”

  1. In America also Huge hefner (playboy mansione and magazine publisher) has similiar body guards in his mansions I bet he has dream of it having hands on Gaddafies body guards too….

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