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Turkish Lesson 4

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Turkish Lesson 4

Var and Yok

Turkish uses these words frequently.

Var means there is, there are, have got, has got.

Yok means there isn’t, there aren’t, haven’t got, hasn’t got.

Ekmek var.                              (There is bread)

Bir problem var.                      (There is a problem)

Dolapta çilek var.                    (There are strawberries in the cupboard)

Kazak var.                               (There is a jumper)

Orada üç öğrenci var.              (There are three students over there)

Tabakta beş elma var.            (There are five apples in the plate)

Benim iki kızım var.                (I have got two daughters)

Senin yazlık evin var.              (You have got a summer house)

Senin çok paran var.                (You have got a lot of money)

It is quite straight forward. You can go a long way just using var and yok. Let’s make some sentences with yok.

Benim kızım yok.                        (I don’t have any daughters)

Senin pembe bir araban yok.   (You haven’t got a pink car)

Tabakta sekiz armut yok.        (There aren’t eight pears in the plate)

Aramızda bir problem yok.      (There is no problem between us)

Dolapta ekmek yok.                  (There isn’t any bread in the cupboard)

Bende cesaret yok.                    (I haven’t got any courage)

Benim param yok.                     (I haven’t got any money)

Kiralık ev yok.                           (There isn’t any house to rent)

Yeni Kelimeler

ekmek              bread

problem           problem

dolap               cupboard

dolapta in the cupboard

çilek                 strawberries

öğrenci             student

tabak               plate

tabakta in the plate

ben                  I

benim my, mine

sen                   you

senin your, yours

kız                   girl, daughter

kızım my daughter

yazlık ev          summer house

evin your house

para                 money

paran your money

pembe              pink

araba                car

araban your car

armut               pear

aramızda between us

cesaret             courage

kiralık              to let

The letters in red are the syllables which we add at the end of the words to give them different meanings. We will learn about all these syllables and before you know it you will be able to use them correctly without thinking too much. The technical word for this way of doing things is agglutination, which means sticking bits together. Turkish is an agglutinating language.

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