From: Yashar []
Asbarez’in yazisina bir soydastan inceleme:
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Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 12:30:43 PM
Subject: News.Az interview with USAN co-founder and Board Director: Good or bad, it’s a confused start
Good or bad, it’s a confused start
Wed 12 January 2011
by Yusif Babanli, Member of Board of Directors of Azerbaijani American Council; Co-founder of U.S. Azeris Network.
“Off to a bad start”, says Garen Yegparian, a self-proclaimed enforcer of Armenian issues, referring to December appointments of Matthew Bryza and Francis Riccardone US ambassadors to Azerbaijan and Turkey and the unsuccessful fate of House Resolution 252 in his article in Asbarez online edition [ ].
But what “bad start” is Mr. Yegparian is actually talking about?
As long as bilateral US-Azerbaijan and US-Turkey relations existed, US ambassadors have always been carefully reviewed and appointed to represent national interests of the United States. That’s right, the national interests of the United States, not those of Republic of Armenia or of Armenian Diaspora. Although Mr. Yegparian would certainly like an American envoy to represent the Armenian interests by recognizing the so-called Armenian genocide, facilitating the process of transfer of financial aid and its increase to Armenia and separatist regime in Khankendi at the expense of US taxpayers, ignoring such facts as the theft of $163 million from Medicaid by Armenian American criminal group and illegal transfer of weapons purchased by Republic of Armenia, to Iran, which ended up at the hands of Shiite insurgents in Iraq and eventually caused American casualties, the realities dictate otherwise.
In general, the US administrations should not follow any interests of any country, not Armenia, not Azerbaijan, not Turkey. It is sufficient for the US to stick to its own strategic national interests, which, in case of appointment of Bryza and Riccardone, it does.
Having finished with “unwelcomed” ambassadors, Mr Yegparian continues with his comments on the interview with Javid Huseynov, the Director of the Azerbaijani American Council who spoke of an increasing cooperation among Turkic groups. Carefully separating the Turkic groups, he underscores that he “doesn’t believe that people from the central Asian Turkic countries will be in on this to any great extent”.
How so? Increasing cooperation among Turkic groups signifies growing intercultural ties among these nations and their joint recognition of their common Turkic heritage suppressed by Soviet authorities for 70 years. Apart from that, Mr Yegparian should also note that neither people living in Central Asian Turkic states, nor those in Azerbaijan and Turkey are “Armenian-haters” and might never be. As ironic as it may seem, all these Turkic states have considerable Armenian minorities, including Turkey and Azerbaijan unlike the Republic of Armenia which has no Turkish or Azerbaijani population whatsoever which is a significant indicator as to where the haters he’s concerned of mainly hail from.
Moreover, Mr. Yegparian forgets that the reason the Turkic Central Asian states refrained from explicitly condemning Armenia on many issues is because they don’t have a common border with it. Otherwise, a piece of each of those states would have been claimed by Armenia. Eastern Turkey, western Azerbaijan and southern Georgia are good examples of irredentist claims by Armenian nationalists. However, seeing Mr Yegparian call the Orange County (CA) a “plague of locusts”, it’s not surprising to see any other comment from Garen Yegparian.
Add to the list of concerns by Mr Yegparian what he calls the “Kobe Bryant fiasco”. Asking an athlete to annul the contract with Turkish Airlines because he does not recognize the Armenian version of events in 1915 is like asking American businessmen to refrain from investing in Armenia just because a group of Armenians stole $163 million of US taxpayer contributions to Medicaid. Would that make any sense?
Lastly, Mr Yegparian speaks of the Wikileaks which have been “VERY informative about our enemies”.
Very informative about our enemies? Who exactly does Mr Yegparian consider enemies? The President of Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sarkissian? Armenian Ministry of Defense? Because last I heard, it was Armenia transferring weapons to Iran against US sanctions and at the expense of the very financial aid it receives from American taxpayers every year. For someone like Mr. Yegparian, who ran for Burbank City Council, a US government institution funded by US taxpayers, the issue should be a major concern.
Asbarez writing against Turkish/Turkic community in California
Iligili yazinin Ermeni tarafinda ABD parlementosu ve hukumetinden beklediklerini bu yil alamadiklari ve iki buyukelcinin atanmasi ilei ilgili bir hayal kirikligi yasadigini gosterdigi acik.
Azerbaycan ve Turkiyenin ortak yararlar icin beraber hareket etmesi bu beraberlige diger Turk kokeneli unsrlarin katilmasi hep arzu ettigimiz ve bunun icin caba harcadigimiz bir durum
Ben bu konulara daima bir kusku ile yaklasiyourm. Evet, Ermeniler su an icin istediklerini alamadilar, ABD nin Azerbaycan ve Turkiye buyukelcilerini atamasi ile bir hayal kirikligi yasadilar.
Simdi bu olgu bizim icin surdurulebilir bir kazancmidir?Yoksa karsi tatrafa verilecek buyuk oduller oncesi bizim tarafimiza sus payi olarak verilmis “kucuk” bir hediyemidir?
Eger dikkat edecek olursak ABD deki bir mahkeme 1900 lu yillarda sigortalanmis Ermenilerin kazanilmis haklari hakkinda daha once verdigi kararin tersinde bir karar vererek Ermenilerin sigorta sirketlerinden hak isteyebilecegi yonunde karar verdi. Konu hala yargi surecinde sanirim ama yasal alanlalarda bu denli “ani” farkli degisiklerin de nedenleri uzerinde durmakta yarar var. Tabii bu karalarin sonuclari ayri bir tartisma konusu.
Azerbaycan ve Turkiyenin birlikte hareket etmeleri sonucu gelinen yer ve basarilari yadsimamak kosulu ile, umarim ABD nin yaptigi Ermenilere verecegi “buyuk odullere” karsilik bizleri yatistirmak degildir derim.
Mehmet Can
From: Acrolect <>
Asbarez writing against Turkish/Turkic community in California
Yasar Bey tesekkurler bu bilgi icin. Bu panigi gormek bizler icin sahane . Yavas da olsa onlari bu duruma getirebildik. Ne guzel. Bu karsilikli oynanan psikolojik savasta ustun bir basari. Vencouver genclik toplantisinda dagitllmali /belirtilmeli bence.
—– Original Message —–
From: Yashar
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Off to a Bad Start
It’s not that anything really unpleasant has happened to us yet in 2011, it’s just that 2010 ended so badly. Here’s how, in no particular order.
President Obama screwed us with the recess appointments of Bryza and Riccardione. As a friend observed, it’s probably his way of saying to us “upstarts” in the Armenian community of the U.S. “Don’t get too big for your britches, bitches!” Matt Bryza is the worst of the pair. The guy is so deep in Azero-Turkish pockets he can’t see daylight, and he’s supposed to represent American interests in Baku. Ridiculous! Unbelievable! No fair minded person could argue otherwise. There’s no other way to interpret this than a slap in our collective face. Why? Because if he’s so competent, he could easily have been given another, equivalent appointment, where he had no conflict of interest.
As if those appointments weren’t bad enough, we have Javid Huseynov— Director General of the Azerbaijani American Council, adding insult to injury by lecturing the Armenian community about not pursuing narrow, “ethnic” interests. You see this electrical engineer type from Orange County, California knows all about defending American, over parochial interests. And why, you ask, does this paragon of American patriotism think Armenians are bad? It has nothing to do with his being an Azerbaijani government shill, of course… It’s just that these bad-old-Armenians keep introducing Genocide resolutions and obstructing international diplomacy to pursue “their” vile agenda.
While in Orange County, I should also mention that someone’s offering “Turkish” cooking classes there. Isn’t that just great? Not only do we have to contend with Turkey usurping and “Turkifying” the Armenian, Greek, and other cultural legacies of Asia Minor, but now we have Turks in the U.S. passing off as their own the cuisines they stole from the peoples they murdered!
Orange County serves as a locus (maybe I should say a plague of locusts) of Turkish activity of all types because of the large Turkish community there. But more interesting is a remark from a Huseynov interview in which he claims there will be more cooperation among all Turkic groups. This is a sign of the beginnings of political maturation of those communities in the U.S. and we should expect more challenges from that quarter and prepare for them. Of course I don’t believe that people from the central Asian Turkic countries will be in on this to any great extent, since the Armenian-haters, ideologically and historically, largely hail from what is today called Turkey and Azerbaijan.
On a broader, non-exclusively Turkic front, you can add to all this the Kobe Bryant fiasco (and the inability of many in our community to get over their addiction to the Lakers and appreciate the depth of this depravity and the damage it does us) and the ongoing bad judgment of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s leadership as evidenced in their coddling of Genocide denier Lewy.
Need I mention the fate of H. Res 252? And of course the utterly embarrassing, sniveling, brown-nosing press release issued by the Armenian Assembly that followed that fate? Here’s the offending quote:
“We applaud the tenacity of the resolution sponsor, Congressman Adam Schiff, and we also particularly commend the steadfast leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, who along with Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair and White House Liaison Congressman Chris Van Hollen provided guidance and invaluable assistance throughout this process,” stated Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.”
Would someone please explain to me how this outfit justifies its existence to our community? How could anyone laud the person (Pelosi) who just screwed you? A friend came up with a very apt analogy, “The Assembly is to the Armenian community what Vichy was to France.”
Our work is cut out for us, so get busy. Perhaps one of our top areas for improvement this year ought to be the realm of public opinion, both pro-Armenian and anti-Turkey/Azerbaijan. In this vein, watch Wikileaks. It has been VERY informative about our enemies. Who knows, maybe even the Assembly’s doings will pop up somewhere among those documents.