The Cyprus issue has once again reached a critical stage

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Atca Demands Plan B

We are now at the most important conjuncture since the period leading up to the referendum of April 2004, and as such we feel compelled to issue a very important message that portrays the feelings of Turkish Cypriots both here in the UK , the TRNC and other countries where there is a high Turkish Cypriot Diaspora.

We all wish to see constructive action by the end of January 2011 and in anticipation we have taken this opportunity to show unity, and thereby exert pressure by way of a collective statement to the United Nations & the negotiators.

ATCA would like to formally invite you/your organisation to join us in this action.


The closing date to notify us of your wish to be included as a signatory is midday (GMT) on Friday 14th January 2011.

***Many thanks to all those people who have already indicated that they wish to have their names included as joint signatories and who have also helped in the preparation of this statement***


Kıbrıs sorunu bir kez daha kritik sayfaya erişti.

2004 Referandum süreci ve öncesinden beri karşılaştığımız en ciddi kesiş noktasındayız ve bundan dolayı KKTC vatandaşlarının yoğun yaşadığı ve yurtdışında yaşayan Kıbrıs’lı Türk diyasporası hissettiklerini önemle ve büyük bir hassasiyet ile intikal ettirmek ihtiyacı hissetmektedir.

Ocak 2011 sonunda yapıcı bir tavır, olumlu bir gelişme görmek arzusundayız ve buna dayanarak birliğimizi göstermek, haklı bir halk baskısı yoğunlaştırmak maksadı ile ortak bir bildiri yayınlamak istiyoruz.

ATCA sizi ve cemiyetinizi ortak hareket edebilmemiz, birlikte faaliyet gösterebilmemiz için birliğe ve beraberliğe davet etmektedir.

Cağrımızı destekliyor iseniz, aşağıdaki linkden isminizi ekleyebilirsiniz.

Birlikte hareket edebilmek ve ortak mesuliyet taşımak icin son tarih 14 Ocak 2011, öğle saat 12 dir

***Bu ortak bildirinin hazırlanmasında emeği geçen ve şimdiden ortak girişimimizi teyid eden bireylere teşekkürlerimizi, saygılarımızı iletiyoruz***

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3 responses to “The Cyprus issue has once again reached a critical stage”

  1. Tweets that mention The Cyprus issue has once again reached a critical stage —

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by TURKACTIONGROUP. TURKACTIONGROUP said: […]

  2. Demir Karsan Avatar
    Demir Karsan

    I do not believe a Cyprus solution based on what is described in the attached docile document, is feasible.
    The Southern Cyprus Government (SCG) have continiously displayed its dishonesty and not willing to go along with the two state solution with every action they have taken to date.
    This started earlier with their moves to join Greece through their EOKA terrorist agressions and massacres of the Turkish population. Cyprus Turks got saved from a certain extermination through the 1974Turkish military intervention.
    SCG continued with their refusal to recognize the a959 treaty defined rights of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC), in spite of a “yes” referandum from the Turkish North, to become a single state with two communities as per the UN Annan Plan. SCR have responded to this with a sound “No” vote.
    Turkish Government, in spite of its legal guarantarship accepted by all nations and UN in the 1959 Cyprus treaty and with the hope of appeasing EU so that Turkey could become an EU member, foolishly executed good will policies that allowed the SCG to become a full member of the EU representing Cyprus. As full EU members, now SCG are threatening to veto Turkey’s becoming an EU member and continues to execute massive negative and uncomprimizing act against TRNC and Turkey.
    It is high time that we now realize that the SCG agressions will never end and thst they will never recognize the 1959 Cyprus Treqty established rights of TRNC and Turkey.
    It is therefore imperative that Turkey now demands that either TRNC is accepted as a seperate state member of EU or, if EU refuses, Turkey should annex TRNC and declare it as Turkish territory.

  3. mok10501 Avatar

    I like to congratulate Mr. Karsan. His review above appears to be the best recommendation so far I have seen about the issue and I believe it will produce lasting peace and solution. I am sure Mr. Denktaş will also agree with this solution that we can move on. The only issue in this solution is that Greece may attempt to annex SRC as well. Even though it may appear attractive at the fist look, they may never do that because that will reduced their existing two Greek votes in the EU to one. EU should’ve considered this two Greek votes creation while they were taking in SRC as a member.

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