Ara Toranian at Le Monde

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Le Monde Provides Platform To Former Spokesman Of An Armenian
Terrorist Organization
MONDAY, 03 JANUARY 2011 05:28
Dear Readers, Friends , and Fair-Minded, Truth-Promoting, Peace-Lovers,

As long as there are Armenian falsifiers and Turk-haters  around the
world,  with or without their white robes and matching conical hats,
bent on demonizing all things Turkish at all opportunities real or
imagined,  our work seems to remain incomplete.

We need to be alert and react instantly to all kinds of attempts to
defame and misrepresent our proud heritage.  We need to remain in
constant vigilance and continue to educate the public about our
thousands of year old culture, history, and heritage.

This time, the unprovoked, unjustified, and unfair attack came from
France’s  Le Monde newspaper.  Le Monde editors, incredibly, are
providing access to the former speaker of a notorious Armenian
terrorist organization, ASALA.  The blood of Turkish (and Fench)
citizens have not dried on the hands of these Armenian terrorists who
loved to grin to the TV cameras with their ugly faces, flashing
victory signs after every bombing, assassination, and other such
premeditated murder and planned carnage.

What’s more, Le Monde editors seem to lack the decency to at least
give the appearance of seeking  responsible opposing views in order to
balance this terrorist’s sick and hateful message and to present a
more objective and fair coverage of a historical controversy.

Therefore, I ask you to please sign the protest letter below with your
name, city, country, and day-phone, and email it to these addresses :

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fax:   (00 33) 1 57 28 21 21

Street address :  Le Monde, 80, boulevard Auguste-Blanqui, 75 507
Paris Cedex 13 France



In a shocking move, Le Monde allowed, one more time, Ara Toranian to
publish an opinion in its pages. The promotion, without any warning,
of the views of the former spokesman of a terrorist group (ASALA) is
simply unacceptable in a respectable and democratic newspaper.

France was, with Turkey, the country of the world where Armenian
terrorists, especially ASALA, killed and wounded the greatest number
of persons.  Mr. Toranian’s newspaper, Hay Baykar, glorified the
murder of Turkish diplomats, justified the bombing of the Marmara
travel agency (which bomb also killed a French secretary) and slammed
the verdict sentencing the perpetrators of Orly attack (8 deaths, 90
wounded, including around 60 seriously).

In the U.S.A., ASALA attempted to assassinate a UCLA history
professor, Prof. Stanford Jay Shaw, and his family in 1977 by planting
a bomb in his HOME !

ASALA’s inspiration, Gourgen Yanikian, murdered in an ambush the
general consul in Los Angeles Mehmet Baydar and his deputy Bahadır
Demir, in 1973. Mr. Toranian’s newspaper presented the terrorist
Yanikian as a hero.

Another Armenian terrorist group, JCAG/ARA assassinated Mehmet
Baydar’s successor, Kemal Arıkan, in 1982.

The same attacked by bombs the cultural night celebrating the Turkish
culture (including dance) in California and New York.

Both ASALA and JCAG/ARA assaulted  even moderate Armenians, like the
Dashnak and the Hunchak murderers did in the Ottoman Empire since
1890s and the USA since 1930’s.

Mr. Toranian’s opinion was seen as an insult to the silent memory of
the many victims of terrorism, whatever their nationality or ethnicity
may be.

Please accept our expressions of profound disappointment, outrage,  and sadness,

[Signatory : Please provide full name, city, state, country, and
day-phone]Point de vue
Paris lâche les Arméniens
Le Monde  | 28.12.10 | 14h03  *  Mis à jour le 29.12.10 | 13h14

La dernière livraison des câbles diplomatiques révélés par WikiLeaks
nous apprend qu’il n’aura même pas fallu deux mois à Nicolas Sarkozy
pour trahir ses engagements envers la communauté arménienne de France
à propos de la loi incriminant le négationnisme du génocide arménien.
Le 24 avril 2007, le candidat de l’UMP promettait d’appuyer la
ratification par le Sénat de ce texte déjà voté par l’Assemblée

Or selon un télégramme rendu public par WikiLeaks, Jean-David Levitte
(conseiller diplomatique de l’Elysée), en visite à Ankara le 29 mai
2007, a confié à ses interlocuteurs que “Sarkozy s’assurera que le
projet de loi du génocide arménien (pénalisant le négationnisme) meure
au Sénat français.” On comprend mieux l’arrogance de ce négationnisme,
qui se développe notamment sur la Toile française à travers des sites
sponsorisés par le gouvernement d’Ankara. Ainsi ce fléau, qui fait
office de volet politique du génocide, qui constitue sa continuation
par d’autres moyens, ne sera non seulement pas combattu par les
responsables de l’ordre public, mais il bénéficiera de la neutralité
bienveillante du chef de l’Etat.


Que peuvent bien valoir les belles paroles prononcées à l’endroit de
la communauté arménienne de France, mais également toute la rhétorique
de Nicolas Sarkozy sur l’histoire, et les leçons qu’il convient d’en
tirer ? Etait-il nécessaire de gratifier Ankara de ce type de signal,
au moment même où à l’intérieur du pays, enfin, un mouvement
d’intellectuels turcs se dessine pour demander pardon aux Arméniens ?
Il ne faudra pas s’étonner ensuite qu’éclairées par de tels exemples
les autorités turques fassent des sourires à l’Occident tout en
signant, comme elles l’ont fait, en mai, des accords pour la livraison
d’uranium à l’Iran. Qu’elles combattent le blocus de Gaza tout en
pérennisant, depuis seize ans, celui sur l’Arménie. Qu’elles exigent
des excuses d’Israël pour les neuf morts turcs de la flottille, en
juin, sans jamais avoir prononcé un mot de regret pour le million et
demi d’Arméniens exterminés, en 1915, et en outrageant tous les jours
leur mémoire.

Un malheur n’arrivant jamais seul, cette information de WikiLeaks
vient une semaine après une autre dépêche diplomatique rendue publique
par le même site, selon laquelle M. Roland Galharague, haut
fonctionnaire au Quai d’Orsay, explique à William Burns, secrétaire
américain à la défense, que l’existence d’une forte communauté
arménienne, en France, entraverait les propositions susceptibles
d’apporter la paix au Haut-Karabakh, une enclave arménienne
indépendantiste en butte à l’hostilité et aux menaces de guerre du
couple turco-azerbaïdjanais.

La question se pose donc de savoir quelles sont ces belles
propositions de paix du Quai d’Orsay qui pourraient bien contrarier à
ce point les Français d’origine arménienne. Tout semble hélas indiquer
que la tradition qu’on croyait révolue du lâchage des Arméniens au
profit des intérêts du panturquisme est en train de reprendre ses
droits dans la République. Nous ne ferons pas ici le compte de
victimes qu’une telle attitude a déjà provoquées. Mais comment ne pas
s’indigner que ce type de pratique soit toujours en vigueur après tant
de malheurs accumulés ?

Ara Toranian, directeur de “Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine”
Article paru dans l’édition du 29.12.10

Point of view
Paris cowardly Armenians
Le Monde | 28.12.10 | 2:03 p.m. * Updated 29.12.10 | 1:14 p.m.

The latest issue of diplomatic cables revealed by Wikileaks us that he
will not even take two months to Nicolas Sarkozy to betray its
commitments to the Armenian community in France about the law
criminalizing denial of Armenian genocide. On April 24, 2007, the UMP
candidate promised to support Senate ratification of the text already
passed by the National Assembly.

Yet according to a telegram published by Wikileaks, Jean-David Levitte
(the Elysee diplomatic adviser), on a visit in Ankara May 29, 2007,
told his interlocutors that “Sarkozy will ensure that the bill of
Armenian genocide (criminalizing denial) died in the French Senate. “
We can better understand the arrogance of this denial, which grows
particularly through the French web sites sponsored by the Ankara
government. So this scourge, which serves as political aspect of the
genocide, which is its continuation by other means, will not only not
opposed by officials of public order, but it will benefit from the
benevolent neutrality of the head of the State.


That may well be worth the beautiful words spoken against the Armenian
community of France, but also the rhetoric of Nicolas Sarkozy on the
history and the lessons to be learned? Was it necessary to reward
Ankara this type of signal, just as inside the country, finally, a
movement of Turkish intellectuals in sight to apologize to the
Armenians? It will not be surprising then qu’éclairées by such
examples of the Turkish authorities do smiles while signing the West,
as they did in May, agreements for the supply of uranium to Iran. They
fight the blockade of Gaza while protecting the last sixteen years,
the one on Armenia. They demand an apology from Israel for the nine
dead Turkish fleet in June without ever uttering a word of regret for
the million and half Armenians murdered in 1915, and insulting their
memory every day .

Misfortunes never come alone, this information Wikileaks comes a week
after another diplomatic dispatch published by the same site that Mr.
Roland Galharague , a senior official at the Quai d’Orsay , told
William Burns , U.S. Secretary defense, that the existence of a strong
Armenian community in France, obstruct proposals likely to bring peace
in Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian enclave independence subjected to
hostility and threats of war between Turkey and the couple Azerbaijan.

The question therefore arises what are these beautiful peace proposals
of the Quai d’Orsay, which might well upset at this point the French
of Armenian origin. Unfortunately everything seems to indicate that
they believed the tradition of dropping the Armenian past in favor of
the interests of Turkism is trying to regain his rights in the
Republic. We will not here on behalf of victims that such an attitude
has already caused. But how can we not be indignant that such practice
is still in effect after so many misfortunes accumulated?

Ara Toranian, director of “Armenian News Magazine
Article published in the edition of 29.12.10

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One response to “Ara Toranian at Le Monde”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    Popular French Proverb has Turkish back-up words in it …….kes kose ,kes kafani gir kumese……indicates Paris-Ankara strong ties DOES EXSIST

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