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Turkey Resolved To Take Any Measures To Protect Rights Of Its Citizens

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Turkey’s foreign minister said on Tuesday that Turkish Republic was resolved to protect rights of its citizens.

281210 ta karar12

“We are still waiting for apology and indemnity from Israel,” Foreign Minister Davutoglu said while commenting on Turkey’s expectations from Israel because of attack of Mavi Marmara ship.

Speaking to reporters at a news conference with Abdurrahman Hamad Al-Attiyah, Secretary-General of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Davutoglu said Turkey’s stance on the matter was clear.

“Turkey expressed its views on the Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara ship and the aid convoy in many platforms. There is no need to reiterate them. Our stance is explicit. Turkish Republic is capable of protecting the rights of its citizens and resolved to take every kind of measures to protect those rights. No change is in question in our stance.Turkey’s views, expectations and demands have been expressed. We will continue to exert every kind of diplomatic efforts for our demands to be met. There are different statements coming from the Israeli party,” Davutoglu said.

On May 31, Israeli soldiers attacked the “Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our Load” flotilla in international waters. Nine activists were killed and 54 others were injured by Israeli attacks.


Asked to comment on his planned visit to Iraq, Davutoglu said he was planning a visit to Iraq on January 10-11. “We had a telephone conversation with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after he established the government. We decided to have second meeting of High Level Strategic Cooperation Council soon.”

Davutoglu said works regarding the details of the meeting continued and necessary statements would be made soon, adding Turkey’s support to Iraq would always continue.

Iraq’s parliament approved last week Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his government, nine months after the general elections.


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