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Turkey, Israel Are Historic Friends

Middle east
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In a Dec. 9 column (“A Coming Sino-Turkish Axis?”) , Michael Auslin wrote that the relationship between Turkey and Israel “has started to come to an end.” This is far from the case; Turkey and Israel are historic friends and Turkey is among the first nations to recognize Israel upon its establishment.

Yes, there have been some recent and serious disagreements between our countries. But we believe our two nations will move past these challenges. Indeed, Turkey’s humanitarian assistance during the deadly forest fire at Mount Carmel is just one demonstration of its goodwill towards Israel.

As President Obama noted, Turkey is a model partner, serving as a bastion of democracy and stability in a volatile region. Our aim has always been and will continue to be to contribute to the peace, stability and welfare in the region and beyond.

Concerning China, contrary to Mr. Auslin’s suggestion, Turkey’s growing relationship is a reflection of its policy to broaden its outreach to nations around the world. Like the U.S., which has a long-standing and complex relationship with China, our engagement with any one country does not require a shift away from any other.

In brief, Turkey has a multidimensional foreign policy and as a member of NATO, is well aware of its responsibilities.

Rauf A. Denktaş


Embassy of the Republic of Turkey

Washington, DC

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