from the honeypot-or-not? dept
Whatis42? points us to an interesting post on Reddit, which is initially just highlighting a Google heatmap showing the locations from which people are searching for the term “wikileaks.” Not surprisingly, the hottest spot on the heatmap is the Northern Virginia, Washington DC area. Shocking, I know.
But, perhaps more interesting is a comment on the thread, which notes that it appears at least one of the Wikileaks mirrors appears to be hosted by the CIA, or at the very least a company associated with the CIA using (for a time) a CIA netblock. The address, no longer appears to be hosting anything (right now it just leads you to a standard Apache install page that says “It works!”). There’s an interesting discussion in the Reddit comments over what this means — ranging from everything to someone suggesting this is just a joke, to the “honeypot” question, to the one that seems most plausible to me: as a mirror that is quickly updated as Wikileaks puts up new documents, it allows the CIA to get access to what’s being released as quickly as possible. Updated: And, as noted in the comments, it appears the answer is “no.” Or, at least, if it is, it ain’t this particular site.
via Is The CIA Hosting A Wikileaks Mirror? [Updated] | Techdirt.