Pakistan-Turkey – a journey from ‘brotherhood to strategic partnership’

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By Shumaila Andleeb

ISLAMABAD, Dec 10 (APP): From the love of Pakistanis for Kamal Ataturk to the Turks’ affection for Jinnah – the brotherly relationship is ready to witness a shining era as Pakistan and Turkey have entered a new world of strategic partnership with signing of 17 Memoranda of Understanding in different fields.With ‘Ataturk Avenue’ in Islamabad and ‘Jinnah Jadesi’ roads in Ankara, the two capitals have got a new strategic dimension with the recent official visit of Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani to Turkey.

The signing of 17 MoUs by the two countries has been regarded as a “turning point” to mutually benefit from each others’ potential in the fields including health, education,agriculture, infrastructure, housing and media.

Turkey also offered to build schools and hospitals in Pakistan’s flood-affected regions within six months.

Both the Prime Ministers of Pakistan and Turkey expressed conviction to take personal interest in ensuring practical implementation of the  17 MoUs.

Prime Minister Gilani’s visit to Turkey also marks conferment of three separate honors for him. Turkish President Abdullah Gul awarded the Prime Minister  with ‘Jamhuriyat Nishan – The Republic Order’ at a special investiture ceremony in recognition to furthering the relations between two countries.

Another award was Degree of Doctorate of Journalism for the Prime Minister by Turkey’s prestigious Marmara University.

The University Rector termed Gilani as “Man of Culture” and said the institution was interested in learning from his experiences through his lectures.

Gilani also had the honour to address the Turkish Grand National Assembly, making him the first head of the government from Pakistan addressing the Turk parliamentarians.

Prime Minister Gilani who co-chaired the inaugural session of High Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, has termed the body as a “direct interaction between the cabinets of two Prime Ministers”.

In the ancient city of Istanbul, the Prime Minister during his interaction with the Turkish businessmen offered them to invest in agriculture, housing, energy and infrastructure development, with an effort to for private sectors of the two countries to engage deeply with each other. The Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) of Turkey expressed desire to strengthen the economic relations of two countries on a higher level.

Gilani told the Turkish businessmen that Pakistan had decided to give visa on arrival for 30 days to all Turkish nationals who possessed valid US, UK or Schengen visas.

He also expressed hope that the remaining formalities will soon be completed for the conclusion of Visa Abolition Agreement for bonafide businessmen of Turkey and Pakistan.

Pakistan and Turkey also reiterated their last year’s agreement to increase bilateral trade volume to US$2 billion by 2012.

Prime Minister Gilani concluded his visit with a saying that defines the crux of relationship between Pakistan and Turkey, as “The Pak-Turk relationship is a true sense of brotherhood. It is, as if we are a single family. We value these very special relations and will take them to even greater heights.”

via Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan’s Premier NEWS Agency ) – Pakistan-Turkey – a journey from ‘brotherhood to strategic partnership’.

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