Dora Bakoyannis is Keynote Speaker at Babi-i Ali Institution, Istanbul

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Dora Bakoyannis visited Phanar during her stay in Instanbul.  During her trip she will be the keynote speaker in a meeting of  the Bab-i Ali Institution. In her speech, Dora Bakoyannis who has recently launched  a new political  party in Greece named “Democratic alliance”, will refer to Greek-Turkish relationships. After her meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomeos in Phanar, she stated that she remains hopeful about  the reopening of the School of Halki and the return of  Patriarchate’s and Greek community’s properties. She also expressed her belief that the Ecumenical Patriarchate does not play a significant role only for the Orthodox relgion, but for Turkey too.

via Dora Bakoyannis is Keynote Speaker at Babi-i Ali Institution, Istanbul | Greek Reporter Europe.

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