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Bagis says Turkey ready for EU membership in 2014

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COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Turkey will continue preparations for EU accession and will be ready to become a member in 2014, Ankara’s chief negotiator for talks with the EU Egemen Bagis said on Tuesday (December 7th). He told journalists accompanying him on a three-day visit to Copenhagen that the country will maintain a patient approach to the accession negotiations while still criticising the EU for applying double standards in Turkey’s case. Specifically, he argued that the country has received prejudicial treatment by some EU member countries, and he expressed dissatisfaction with the blocking of some chapter negotiations due to the Cyprus problem. In Copenhagen, Bagis will be meeting with senior officials and attend several cultural events in a bid to revitalise Turkish-Danish relations. (Zaman – 08/12/10; Hurriyet – 07/12/10)

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