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Turkey offers military hardware to Pakistan

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Turkey offers military hardware to Pakistan

* Two countries agree to strengthen bilateral ties

* Agree to deepen security cooperation in campaigns against terrorism, arms smuggling, human trafficking

ANKARA: Pakistan and Turkey on Tuesday agreed to further strengthen and take their existing bilateral ties to “greater heights” through enhanced cooperation in a range of areas, including defence, with Turkey offering military hardware and assistance in infrastructure building.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after co-chairing the first High-Level Cooperation Council meeting, told a press conference that the inaugural session of the HLCC remained useful and would help steer “our unique partnership to ever greater heights”.

The two sides also signed 18 memoranda of understanding and protocols for increased cooperation in various fields, including health, education, agriculture, infrastructure, housing, media etc.

To a question, Erdogan said the Turkish defence industry had significant production capacity in armoured personnel carriers, unmanned aerial vehicles and sea vessels. He said Turkey would start production of attack helicopters by 2013, while referring to possibilities of defence cooperation between the two countries.

“We are moving forward very confidently and engaging in commercial relations” and this is essence of defence sector, he added.

Meanwhile, in a meeting at Erdogan’s residence, the two leaders noted the growth in bilateral trade, and reaffirmed their desire to achieve the target of $2 billion trade volume by 2012, through early finalisation of a strategic economic cooperation framework, and fast-tracked trade facilitation and measures for businessmen.

Security: On security and military cooperation, Gilani and Erdogan agreed to deepen security cooperation in their campaigns against terrorism and extremism, illicit arms trafficking, as well as counter-narcotics and human smuggling. The two sides also agreed to exchange of cultural delegations, academia and parliamentarians for strengthened people-to-people contacts.

Reforms: He hoped Pakistan would benefit from Turkey’s experience in reforms.

Meanwhile, during a meeting, Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Gilani discussed ways to reinvigorate and deepen Pakistan-Turkey ties by widening cooperation in all spheres.

Gul said the two countries had successfully passed the test of history and had ties that continued to grow over the years as the two sides supported each other through thick and thin. He hoped that relations between the two countries would further strengthen in the days ahead and extended full support in the fight against terrorism and extremism. Besides meeting with the Turkish PM and president, Gilani also addressed the Turkish Grand National Assembly, being the first Pakistani head of government to address

the assembly. He also met with Turkish Grand National Assembly Speaker Mehmet Ali Shaheen, co-chaired the first plenary session of the High-Level Cooperation Council along with the Turkish PM, and visited the mausoleum of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk. app

via Daily Times – Leading News Resource of Pakistan – Turkey offers military hardware to Pakistan.

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