Kurds of Turkey admit their ancestors’ blame for Armenian Genocide

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kurdishPanARMENIAN.Net – Kurds of Turkey admit their ancestors’ blame for and complicity in the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.

“Armenians were annihilated at our hands and today we pay for sins of the past,” said in Istanbul Chairman of Diyarbakir Chamber of Commerce and Industry Galip Ensarioglu, who is ethnic Kurd.

According to him, if the Kurdish problem is not resolved within upcoming years, it will lead to a new catastrophe in Turkey, Sabah Turkish paper reported.

via Kurds of Turkey admit their ancestors’ blame for Armenian Genocide – PanARMENIAN.Net.

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One response to “Kurds of Turkey admit their ancestors’ blame for Armenian Genocide”

  1. Erkan Esmer Avatar
    Erkan Esmer

    When will the armenians quit lying? What the Kurds did was self defence against armenian massacers of moslems. There never was any genocide. armenians killed more moslems than other way around. Get a life lying armenians!!!!!

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