Turkish President Says Any Cooperation Between Israel And NATO Out Of Question

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031210 gulTurkey’s President Abdullah Gul said that any cooperation between Israel and NATO was out of question.

In an interview with Euronews, Gul said that the missile defense system by NATO was related to only NATO members, stating that Israel was not a member of NATO.

“Any cooperation between Israel and NATO is out of question. Israel cannot use NATO’s means,” he said.

Asked whether or not Turkey still considered Israel a friend and allied country after its raid on Mavi Marmara, Gul said, “Israel’s raid changed many things. Israeli army attacked on an aid flotilla in international waters and killed many people. It is impossible to forget it. A country which is subject to international law and a member of the UN should have fulfilled requirements of the international law. Israel did not compensate it.” President Gul said that Israel lost Turkey’s friendship.

Nine people, including eight Turks and one U.S. citizen of Turkish descent, were killed when Israeli forces raided a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in international waters on May 31. Around 30 people were wounded in the attack. The incident cast a serious blow to Turkey-Israeli relations. Turkey demanded an official apology from Israel, urging it to pay damages for the victims and lift the blockade over Gaza.

Gul expressed his reaction to axis shift discussions regarding Turkey and said, “all these things are wrong. Turkey’s course is clear. Turkey is working to reach the most developed democratic standards and economic standards. The country amends its constitution and laws. Turkey pursues an all-around policy.”

In regard to Turkey’s approach toward Iranian nuclear issue, Gul said that Turkey was sensitive to an issue concerning its neighbor.

Gul said that Turkey had a sound determination regarding its EU accession process.


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One response to “Turkish President Says Any Cooperation Between Israel And NATO Out Of Question”

  1. Kufi Seydali Avatar
    Kufi Seydali

    I would love to believe that Turkish Citizen’s lives are that important for our leadership! I am simply not convinced!
    Besides, President Gul appears to forget that NATO means
    USA ( the rest are passengers)! The USA guarantees the
    security of Israel, with or without NATO membership.
    If TUrkey does not wish to play, then Israel will play with
    Greece and other NATO members. We all know that, the only
    country claiming to be endangered by Iran’s missiles is
    Israel. So, who do you think the Missile-system is aiming to protect? If America hat the interests of the Arabs at heart, the
    Middle-East would have been a completely different place.

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