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Intl. Cooperation Platform bolsters Turkey regional ties

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Jody Sabral, Press TV, Istanbul

Having the 16th largest economy world-wide, Turkey is a key regional economic power. Its rapid pace of growth and ability to with-stand the global economic crisis, says Turkey’s president, provides regional partners with know-how his country wants to share to aid regional development.

A Turkish initiative, the International Cooperation Platform, brought together representatives from 26 countries including ministerial delegations from Pakistan and Iran to talk infrastructure and connectivity.

Turkey’s foreign economic relations board showcased a project which aims to integrate the economies of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, not unlike the European Union model… Turkey’s hopes this will later be expanded to include other countries.

Head of Foreign economic board. Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Syrian private sectors are cooperating and our aim is to share our experience.

Turkey’s energy minister called for regional energy integration and cooperation to enhance the lives of ordinary people from Madrid to Gaza.

Participants we spoke to agree and believe that strengthening relations in a regional setting can be a more effective to approach and solve regional problems.

via PressTV – Intl. Cooperation Platform bolsters Turkey regional ties.

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