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Levon Hovsepyan: WikiLeaks’s confirming U.S. deployment of nuclear weapons in Turkey

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PanARMENIAN.Net – WikiLeaks’s confirming U.S. deployment of nuclear weapons in Turkey is no special news, according to Armenian expert Levon Hovsepyan.

As he noted in a conversation with PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the issue, including withdrawal of nuclear weapon from Turkey, has been discussed several months ago.

“Possibly, the nuclear weapon has been there since cold war period, with Turkey playing a certain role in protection of NATO’s Southern outpost,” he noted.

“Declassification of the cable will probably expedite withdrawal of nuclear weapon, with Washington no longer willing to deploy weapon in Turkey under current atmosphere of mistrust on both sides,” he concluded.

Cables published in WikiLeaks confirmed that the USA has tactical nuclear weapons in Turkey, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.

A document of the Berlin Embassy dated 12 November 2009 comprises a record of a meeting of US Ambassador to Germany, Philip D. Murphy, and the Undersecretary of the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Philip Gordon, with Christoph Heusgen, National Security Advisor of Germany.

via Levon Hovsepyan: WikiLeaks’s confirming U.S. deployment of nuclear weapons in Turkey – no special news – PanARMENIAN.Net.

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