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Patriotically-minded Bulgarians Renovate Iron Church in Istanbul

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iron churchThe domes of the Bulgarian St. Stephan church in Istanbul, commonly known as the Iron Church, will shine as new. Thirteen Bulgarian patriots from Plovdiv collected a generous donation of 40,000 euro to make a miracle come true. The biggest dome is covered with titanium alloy used in spaceships building. It is more durable than even gold. The initiators of the project alighted on the idea ten years ago as the unique cast-iron church facing the Golden Horn was in a deplorable condition. It has not been renovated or reinforced for decades.

The consecration service was performed by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

Eli Kumanova

via Arts&Culture – Patriotically-minded Bulgarians Renovate Iron Church in Istanbul – Standart.

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