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İstanbul as seen by Turkish, French photojournalists

This file photo shows the construction of three skyscrapers (L) in the background of Istanbul’s historic silhouette. The new city plan will not allow such tall buildings. AA photo

This file photo shows the construction of three skyscrapers (L) in the background of Istanbul’s historic silhouette. The new city plan will not allow such tall buildings. AA photo

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Today the French Cultural Center in İstanbul’s Taksim Square starts hosting a photo exhibition by İstanbul-based photojournalists from the Anatolia news agency and Agence France-Presse (AFP).

“Fotomuhabirlerin Gözüyle İstanbul” (İstanbul As Seen by Photojournalists), put together on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Anatolia news agency, is a collection that looks at the İstanbul of the 2000s from many different viewpoints — from arts to sports events and from social life to politics. The collection will remain on display until Jan. 15, 2011.

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