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Schiff: I Plan To Reintroduce “Armenian Genocide” Resolution In The New Congress

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241110 schiffCongressman Adam Schiff (D – California) told in an interview with Armenia based PanArmenian.Net that he plans to introduce resolution recognizing Armenian allegaitons regarding 1915 incidents in Ottoman Empire in the new Congress.

Commenting on the probability of adoption of a “genocide” resolution by the new Congress, Schiff said, “Building a broad coalition of support is critically important as we look for opportunities to bring the Resolution to the floor for a vote. Although the desire for adoption of the ‘Genocide’ Resolution is stronger on the Democratic side than on the Republican side, there will still be strong, bipartisan support for the resolution, regardless of which party is in the majority. We are seeking to gain votes every day, and my hope is to move the resolution forward as soon as we are confident that we have the votes we need to adopt the resolution. If the Resolution doesn’t come to the Floor during this session, I plan to reintroduce the resolution in the new Congress.”

Stating that he is very disappointed in April when Obama did not use the term “genocide” to describe 1915 incidents, Schiff said  that he will continue urging the President. “Although Turkey won’t be pleased with U.S. recognition, we need to speak frankly with each other as allies. I will not rest until we have overcome Turkey’s threats and propaganda,” Schiff said.

Accusing Turkey of threating nations and groups that recognize Armenian allegations, Schiff claimed that “there is near unanimity among historians” that 1915 incidents constitute a genocide.

Introducing the memories of Armenian-American individuals about the displacement of Armenians in 1915 into Congressional records within the “Armenian Genocide Congressional Record Project”, pro-Armenian Congressman Adam Schiff also organized a program in the Congress to “educate” Congressmen on Armenian thesis. “Yes, it is my hope that including in the Congressional Record the stories of individuals who survived the genocide we can help educate the Administration and Congress, and make the genocide a part of the historic record of our government,” Schiff told PanArmenian.Net.

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