Russian-Turkish cooperation is on the rise today

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Many people in Turkey remember very well the time when misty haze was visible over Istanbul and the other big cities in the country during cold season. Coal was mainly used to heat the house. However, due to the coal deficit smoky lignite, which gave a little warmth, was used for this purpose at that time.

russia turkey

The air became much clearer after an effort was made to use gas as a fuel, and besides, gas turned into an ecologically pure fuel for electric power plants. Today gas is mainly transported to Turkey from Russia, and its amounts are growing all the time. And still, the following question arises: is it reasonable to use such a valuable raw material only as a fuel?

The demand for electricity is growing too, meaning both the industry and everyday needs. The time when, there were 3 or 4 electric appliances in each flat – of course, not counting the lamps – is a thing of the past now. There’re dozens of such things in each flat now. So what could generate sufficient amounts of electricity today? The capacities of the thermal and hydroelectric power plants, which are currently operating in Turkey, are insufficient today. Modern and safe nuclear power generation could be a good way out, and cooperation with Russia in this field would boost its development. Talking with our correspondent, a prominent Russian scientist, Yelena Urazova, said:

“An important step to give a boost to new Russian-Turkish cooperation was an agreement on the construction, with Russia’s help, of the Akkuyu nuclear plant not far from the Mediterranean Coast. As of today, nuclear power plants are non-existent in Turkey. When electricity generation needs started to grow quickly, the Turkish leadership decided that the construction of nuclear power plants could be helpful in this. An agreement on the construction of the first nuclear power plant on conditions beneficial for Turkey was signed this May. And now this agreement has been ratified by the Turkish Parliament.”

And this is exactly the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan talked about by telephone some time ago. Both of them stressed with satisfaction that the ratification of this agreement by the Turkish Parliament is now an accomplished fact. Putin also said that the Russian Parliament would do the same soon.

“The Russian-Turkish cooperation, including the two countries’ cooperation in the energy field, is on the rise today, Yelena Urazova says. It would also be good to mention here that Turkey can develop successfully only in case it has a powerful energy base. And this base – this is not only my opinion: the point is that some other experts think the same – is developing at breakneck speed thanks to the large-scale energy cooperation with Russia. Today Turkey receives 70 per cent of energy resources, including gas and oil, from Russia.  After putting into operation the first Turkish nuclear power plant, Turkey will rank first in the region in the development of energy capacities. And this is a powerful base, which  could boost o the country’s economic growth and strengthen its positions at large,” Yelena Urazova said in conclusion.

via Russian-Turkish cooperation is on the rise today: Voice of Russia.

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