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Armenian appointed vice-mayor in Turkey

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Mustafa Farsakoglu, the Mayor of islands adjacent to Istanbul  broke with Turkish tradition appointing member of city council Raffi Hermon Araks, Armenian by origin, to the post of his deputy, Taraf reported.

The Mayor noted that they should meet halfway non-Muslim citizens to protect their rights. “We realize the responsibility. It is shameful even to utter “ethnic minority” phrase. We have appointed to the post our friend elected by people,” he said.

Raffi Hermon Araks has recently organized Kurban Bairam for local residents.

The official, as well as his people took part in namaz and then distributed the sacrificed meat among the needy families. He congratulated the local residents, assuring them that he is ready to perform a namaz with “our Muslim brothers and offer a prayer at the synagogues of Jewish brothers.”

via Armenian appointed vice-mayor in Turkey | Armenia News –

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