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Mark Wallinger’s movie-house installation

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A provincial harbour town on the eastern coast of Turkey is not where you expect to attend a preview for one of Britain’s most illustrious contemporary artists. Yet here on the windswept esplanade of Canakkale, curators, critics and artists from across Europe have gathered to witness Mark Wallinger unveil his latest work.

Mark Wallinger’s ‘Sinema Amnesia’ showing his film ‘Ulysses’, on the waterfront at Canakkale, Turkey
Mark Wallinger’s ‘Sinema Amnesia’ showing his film ‘Ulysses’, on the waterfront at Canakkale, Turkey

Entitled “Sinema Amnesia”, it consists of a makeshift movie-house made from a rusting shipping container. Perched on the lip of the waterfront, the battered structure exudes the trademark downbeat poetry of this former Turner Prize winner. Beyond, a white-capped ribbon of ocean is traversed by tankers, trawlers, fishing craft and merchant vessels. On the far side, a headland is emblazoned with the painted image of a soldier and a verse of Turkish poetry.

via / Arts / Visual Arts – Mark Wallinger’s movie-house installation.

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