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Apple trying to eliminate Turkish partner, daily claims

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ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

ipadU.S.-based technology giant Apple is looking to break its relations with Bilkom, a local Turkish partner, daily Milliyet reported Friday.

Apple founded an Istanbul-based company under the name of “Apple Technology,” in May, Milliyet said, adding that the company was managed by Apple Europe.

The executives of Koç Holding, Bilkom’s parent company, announced that the new company would act in concert with Bilkom, Milliyet said.

But the fact that iPad, one of Apple’s most prominent recent products, is still not distributed in Turkey raises question on the relations between the two companies, it said.

The reason for the delay is Apple’s efforts to eliminate Bilkom, the paper said.

Koç Holding had said the new Apple branch in Turkey would aim to speed up the operations in the fast-growing local market.

The record-breaking iPad is not officially sold in Turkey despite having been on the market for seven months in other countries.

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