The Canadian Press: Turkey plans pardon for tax evaders to recoup revenue owed to the state

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ANKARA, Turkey — The Turkish parliament may introduce a tax pardon that would relieve tax evaders of their heavy penalties in an attempt to recover revenue owed to the state.

If parliament approves the plan, the government will wipe away the hefty interest charged on unpaid taxes or bills and taxpayers will be able to pay off the original amount in smaller installments.

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said Monday the pardon would include fines on unpaid taxes, social security premiums, traffic fines, water and other utility bills.

Babacan declined to say how much revenue the government hopes to regain. He denied news reports that the amount could reach 50 billion Turkish Lira ($35 billion).

Critics say the move disfavours those who pay their taxes on time.

via The Canadian Press: Turkey plans pardon for tax evaders to recoup revenue owed to the state.

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