Talks Between Turkey & S. Korea On Nuclear Power Plant Fail

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yildizTalks that were carried out in Seoul on construction of a nuclear power plant in Turkey failed.

Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz said, “We can’t reach a consensus with South Korea. Talks with Japan will begin at the end of the Sacrifice Feast.”

Replying questions of reporters, Yildiz said both Turkey and South Korea share the same determination and intention regarding the construction of a nuclear power plant in Turkey but the points of disagreement could not be overcome.

Yildiz said, “Some new reformative conditions had been offered. And, we declared reconsideration. However, we will start to hold talks with other countries. We need a quick negotiation process.”

Taner Yildiz said their decision to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey has remained same.

TRT World

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