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Iraq’s politics made easy: Who is Turkey’s man in the new government?

Photo by: Elad Brin

Photo by: Elad Brin

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Some update first:

Despite the con fu sion about the De-Baathfication Law reported by Aljazeera, It seems Maliki man aged to attract Mut laq his side, but he allied him self with Maliki, as reported by Kuwaiti media today (image above)

A deal between Maliki and Salih Al-Mutlaq, to with draw Mutlaq’s name from the De-Baathification Law allow ing him to receive impor tant gov ern ment office, in exchange that Mut laq to leave Al-Iraqiya List (Izzat Al-Shahbandar, Maliki’s adviser is the one who orches trated the new rela tion between Maliki and Mutlaq).

Per son ally, I don’t think Mut laq can leave Al-Iraqiya offi cially, but we will see more coop er a tion between him and Maliki in the future.

Who is Turkey’s man in the new government?

There is some kind of con tra dic tion between the Turk ish offi cial state ment and the Turk ish media reac tion on the for ma tion of the Iraqi government.

Turk ish Min istry of For eign Affairs released an offi cial state ment sup ports “the power-sharing deal and the for ma tion of the gov ern ment, which rep re sents the first step towards achiev ing sta bil ity in Iraq”.

Turk ish media stressed on the fail ure of the Turk ish diplo macy, blam ing For eign Min is ter Ihsan Oglu of “bet ting on the wrong horse” in his last visit to Iraq say ing that the Kurds emerged from this power-sharing deal victorious.

Here is the most cel e brated Turk ish writer Cen giz Can dar:

Oglu’s mis cal cu la tions in Iraq, as he should tried to nom i nate a Sunni Arab Iraqi pres i dent, not a Sunni Kurd, and should work in order to pre vent Maliki’s return as prime minister.

What Can dar missed in his analy sis is that Oglu worked for three months exam in ing all the Sunni lead ers, ’till he found Osama Al-Nujaifi, who is a pan-Arab nation al ist, anti-Kurds, with his tor i cal ties between his fam ily and Mosul City.

With Osama’s brother (Athil) is the Mosul’s Gov er nor, Turkey con sid ers Mosul as a Turk ish province (’till today, Mosul is listed among the Turk ish provinces annual taxes with “0” income).

Ankara is try ing to pre pare a strong lead er ship in Mosul, a red line Kurds are not allowed to cross. Turkey bet on the return of “Mosul Province” if the polit i cal cir­cum stances available.

Turkey (with a lit tle help from Syria) imposed “Osama Nujaifi,” on the Kurds, acti vat ing his role as the third power in the Iraqi state (head of the par lia ment), who rep re sents Turkey’s inter ests in Iraq. Al-Nujaifi’s first words in the Par lia­ment open ing session:

I am the head of the Par lia ment, I do not rep re sent the Iraqiya List.


The New Yourk times “On His First Day, Iraq’s Par lia ment Speaker Was Tested by Own Alliance” should add that Al-Nujaifi (or Najafi as the news pa per calls him) walked out when the Par lia ment chose Tal a bani as President.

Barzani accepted Turkey’s man in Iraq (Nujaifi), because he was look ing for a strong ally to pro tect him against his rival Jalal Tal a bani who is sup ported by Iran. At the same time, Barzani nom i nated (and insisted on) Tal a bani as the pres i dent of the state (for var i ous rea sons) to sat isfy Iran. With this Barzani made both coun tries happy.

For Syria, the geo graph i cal posi tion of Mosul made Dam as cus a vul ner a ble tar­get to any (future) U.S., Israeli attack. Syria was quick to close this gap through Al-Nujaifi.

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