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Turkey congratulates newly elected Iraq’s parliament speaker

Photo by: Elad Brin

Photo by: Elad Brin

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Turkish Parliament Speaker Mehmet Ali Sahin on Friday congratulated Osama al-Nujaifi who was elected Iraq’s parliament speaker.

In his message to al-Nujaifi, Sahin wished success in his term in office, saying that Turkey attached importance to settlement of security, stability and domestic peace in Iraq as well as the country’s reaching an economic prosperity.

Turkey strongly supported Iraq’s independence, political unity and territorial integrity, Sahin said, adding that Turkey would continue to support Iraq in every area in the future period too.

The Turkish parliament was ready to extend every type of support to the Iraqi parliament, he said, expressing belief that the parliaments of the two countries should pursue their activities in close cooperation and determination to carry the relations to a higher level.

Sahin also said that he would be glad to host Nujaifi in Turkey.

The Sunni Arab lawmaker Nujaifi, a senior member of the Iraqiya bloc headed by former prime minister Ayad Allawi, was named on Thursday as Iraq’s parliament speaker.

Source: Xinhua

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