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London Alive: Istanbul & Cyprus

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underground cisternThis trip was long planed but dateless until a certain day in August I took the executive decision to visit my friend Zoli. I finally booked that flight. That was it, after 7 years, after thinking about it for countess hours over the years, almost to the exact date..

He was in Istanbul so to Turkey I went.

Have to say it wasn’t high on my list of places to go..

Such an unassuming city from the outside. But when one enters these huge grey walls you are greeted by the most dazzling patterns drawn granscale shamelessly showcasing their great ability to embellish in a simple wicked surprisingly psychedelic way. And the cats!! Everywhere, sweetest like no others..there’s alot to be said about that..

This was at some point the centre of the Roman Empire East. Joining Europe and’s easy to imagine the kind of life the Sultan enjoyed when visiting Topkapi Palace, I had never seen until then, such amazing jewels..bling taken to a whole new level!! 86k diamond, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc makes the Queen of England look like a pauper!!!!!!! This palace is twice the size of the Vatican. Half the size of Monaco…sprawling views of the Bosphoros, gardens, fountains… oh so beautiful that all I could think of was I want a party here and in my head started to put the perfect line-up together, shiver at the thought of a 100k Opus sound system bouncing off those domes, broadcast through the speakers from the mosque.. I was really running with it!!

On another note, found a new painting for The Brain Unravelled..

And Cyprus…hilarious. Made the front page of the local paper walking out of the airport in the middle of a taxi stick..all I could think of was the sea! I wanted a swim after five days of rain in Istanbul..the Mediterranean? Yes please!

Chats and walks and swimming, letting the universe carry you…floating and letting the immense sea support you, and feel as part of a much greater thing..

Getting away from it all.

Thinking..being, existing.

via London Alive: Istanbul & Cyprus.

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