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Iverson misses flight; just the start, Turkey fans

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Allen Iverson missed his flight to Turkey and will have his introduction to the fans delayed. This will be far from the last time we hear of AI troubles across the ocean.
Allen Iverson missed his flight to Turkey and will have his introduction to the fans delayed. This will be far from the last time we hear of AI troubles across the ocean.

Allen Iverson will always have a place in our hearts. The small guy played much bigger than his size and gave us memories that we won’t see for a long time on any hardwood in these parts.

Still, we also know the other side of AI; the overt defiant side. That’s what Turkey will now see.

Allen Iverson missed his flight to Turkey and will have his introduction to the fans delayed. This will be far from the last time we hear of AI troubles across the ocean.

Iverson has reportedly missed his flight to join his new team in Turkey and we doubt this will be the last time the team will need to readjust around the former NBA MVP. Iverson is simply playing for money at this point to cover his gambling debts. How else can you explain a guy playing overseas on the downside of his career?

AI foreshadowed the fact that he will play by his rules during his two-year, $4 million contract during negotiations. He reportedly wanted a cap on the amount the team could fine him. He has every intent of breaking rules, skipping practices and games. As much as AI needs a support system and his family, don’t be surprised to see him hop on a plane in midseason and disappear to the US for a week here or there.

If AI didn’t confine to rules of NBA hall-of-famers such as Larry Brown, do you really think he’ll stay out of trouble in Turkey?

Yeah, didn’t think so.

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