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Jennifer Lopez and Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus

cyprus kibris deniz agac
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By Tolga Cakir

Most of us remember the Jennifer Lopez called off a controversial birthday show in the north of Cyprus, provoking celebrations by Greek Cypriots and condemnations from Turkish Cypriots. Greek Cypriot online campaign pushed Jennifer Lopez to cancel her performance at a hotel in Northern Republic of Turkish Cyprus.

The Cyprus issue is crystal clear; Turkey intervened to the Cyprus at 1974 after Eoka terrorism took so many innocent lives of Turks and British people.

Kibris rum barbarligi

If Jennifer Lopez and her team were kind enough to make a little bit of research, they would certainly understand the severity of the mistakes they have made. Moreover recent BBC records that were published may have helped Jennifer Lopez and her team to understand this important matter.This is a matter of human rights.

We are calling Jennifer Lopez and her team to act

We are calling them to act now

We are calling them to take the side of good

Jennifer Lopez

For this London may be the right place, where many Turkish Cypriots live. Jennifer Lopez and her team can celebrate an important event with the Turkish Cypriot Community in London to show the world that they are not involved in politics and they support human rights.

Photo :Internet Haber CSMonitor

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