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A special report on Turkey

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A special report on Turkey

Oct 21st 2010, 13:27 by The Economist online

After years of instability, Turkey is now sailing a steadier path. But is it on collision course with the West?


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Kursato wrote:
Oct 22nd 2010 8:49 GMT

But is it on collision course with the West?

This is Israeli and Neocon propaganda

Oct 23rd 2010 11:31 GMT

@kursato, it could be but, yet, I support Turkey as it searches for its Middle Eastern roots. That’s where Turkey belongs! I also don’t think that this alleged turn to East should be perceived as a threat to Western Europe, much to the contrary. It is of European interest to have a stable Turkey watching over the Middle East.

I support Turkey as it tries to be a functional, democratic, secular and free Muslim country and I don’t think Turkey must belong to the EU in order to achieve that.


Oct 25th 2010 4:46 GMT

@ Fabio, I wholeheartedly agree with you except for one thing and that is the Middle East. The Middle East is an imperialistic European connotation. Turkey’s future should in no way lie in Europe, it must be with Asia. And we are seeing the establishment of it now. The Chinese-Turkish military exercise was a precursor. Europe is the past, it was incapable of solving the Balkan crises without outside interference. It is incapable of solving Cyprus and if you really look at it, Turkey is occupying EU lands at the moment. No one takes the EU seriously now, it is losing ground to China all over its former colonies. Its military capabilities are being down-graded every, its population is aging. While on the other hand the economies of Asia are growing at a tremendous rate. The future is Asia. So if Turkey is to ever join a union of states, it should not be with Europe or a non-entity that Europeans created to serve their imperialistic tendencies like the Middle East. The only union should be with Asia not some relic from the past.

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