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U.S. to punish Turkey through Armenian Genocide

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usa map flagOfficial Washington is quite likely to recognize the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey early last century, Alexander Khramchikhin, Head of the Analytical Department, Moscow-based Institute for Political and Military Analysis (IPMA), told

“At present Turkey is showing a most high level of independence, which is not to the United States’ liking. So the U.S. may use this lever to re-establish it control over Turkey,” the expert said. Khramchikhin believes such a scenario is quite probable. “Over the recent years, since the Justice and Development Party came to power, Turkey tendency to independence has been an accomplished fact,” the expert noted. Turkish Premier Recep Erdogan’s latest statement is one more piece of evidence thereof.

According to the expert, Turkey may revise its foreign policy and decline its pro-western policy. “A number of factors, including its ‘flirt’ with Iran, Turkish-Israeli conflict and so on, are indicative of this,” he said.

As to the possibility of deterioration of U.S.-Turkey relations, and even severance of diplomatic relations, Khramchikhin rules it out. “Severing diplomatic relations is tantamount to declaring war. I rule it out. However, the present tendencies will inevitably lead to cooling off in bilateral relations,” he said.

In his recent interview with Pakistani mass media, Turkish Premier Recep Erdogan accused the U.S. of supporting international terrorism. The flotilla incident unmasked Washington, which is overtly supportive of Israeli act of terror.

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