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Greek Cyprus complains to EU over Turkey’s ban on ports

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The Greek Cypriot administration has complained about Turkey to the European Union for causing financial damage to two Greek Cypriot airline companies and increasing air pollution as a result of its ban on Greek Cypriot aircraft using its airports and airspace.

In a document Greek Cyprus authorities presented to the EU in a meeting of transportation, communication and energy ministers in Brussels on Friday, they lamented that some of their air travel was extended and as a result caused more air pollution.

Some EU member states have blocked several negotiation chapters with Turkey, claiming that Turkey has to live up to its obligations in Ankara protocol to open up its ports and airports to Greek Cypriot vessels and aircrafts. Turkey refuses to lift the ban, saying that the EU should lift the economic isolation on Turkish Cyprus because the country is displaying a political will to reunify the island.

The document said Turkey bans aircrafts from Cyprus Airways and Eurocypria, which are registered in Greek Cyprus, and their travel to Moscow from Larnaka takes 1 hour more and to Helsinki 35 minutes more due to Turkey’s ban.

They also complained that some Greek Cypriot aircraft had to land in Greece en route to Europe and they are negatively affected by strikes in the country. Officials reportedly said Greek Cyprus could still not launch flights to Georgia and Ukraine for this reason and that the overall damage is $5 million annually.

Among the complaints are the facts that Greek Cypriot aircraft had to extend their travel and release more carbon dioxide into the air. They assert that this is not in line with the EU’s climate policies.

16 October 2010, Saturday

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