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Defense Secretary Robert Gates to Speak at Annual Conference

We are pleased to announce that U.S. Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, is the latest addition to the list of confirmed speakers for the 29th Annual Conference on U.S, – Turkey Relations, October 17-20, 2010 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. Secretary Gates will join Turkey’s Minister of National Defense, Vecdi Gonul, as luncheon speakers on Monday, October 18.

Throughout the two- day Conference, participants will hear from such government and business leaders as Turkey’s State Minister and Minister for Foreign Trade, Zafer Caglayan; U.S. National Security Advisor, General James Jones; the President and Chairman of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, Fred Hochberg; the Deputy Secretary of Energy, Dan Poneman; Turkey’s Undersecretary for National Defense, Murad Bayar; TOBB President, Rifat Hisarciklioglu; and the Chairman of Koc Holding, Mustafa Koc.

Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Economy, Ali Babacan, is expected to be the opening Keynote speaker for the Conference on October 18.

It’s not too late to make arrangements to attend. On-site registration will open at 3:00pm Sunday, October 17 and at 7:30 am, October 18 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The agenda will include working sessions on trade and investment, defense industry cooperation and procurement, energy, construction and infrastructure, banking and finance, agri-business and much more.

Plan to join us in Washington, D.C. for the 29th Annual Conference on U.S. – Turkey Relations.

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