Israel rabbi says it’s kosher to sleep with the enemy

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By way of DeceptionJERUSALEM – Jewish law allows women to sleep with the enemy in order to get intelligence vital to Israel’s security, a rabbi was quoted as saying in a local newspaper Monday.

The mass-selling Yediot Aharonot quoted an academic article by Ari Shvat, an expert in Jewish law, in which he said it was acceptable to have sex with “terrorists” in order to obtain information leading to their arrest.

His study, which only referred to female agents, appeared under the title “Illicit Sex for the Sake of National Security” in a journal published by a religious studies institute in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc near Jerusalem.

It invoked biblical stories in which women seduced enemy combatants in order to gain valuable information, adding that it was “best to entrust such missions to licentious women.”

In cases where a woman must marry an enemy combatant in order to gain his trust, Shvat suggests first divorcing her real husband.

The advice appeared to be directed at Israel’s Mossad spy agency, and is an exception to the traditional religious prohibition of deception and sex outside of marriage.

, Oct 04, 2010

Israeli rabbi: Honey-pot sex is kosher for female Mossad agents

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One response to “Israel rabbi says it’s kosher to sleep with the enemy”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    He is typical ANTI-MOSES JEW RABBIE which ignores THE TEN COMMAND sames ones who deliverded another jew who born from Virgin MARY JESUS called them HIPOCRATS and OPEN THE DOORS OF THE HELL using third party ROMANS putting to death also they stopped to sacrifeying lamb which thinking their hands gets dirty (forgetting about all we are children of ABRAHAM ) and they chose to sacrifie their cousions PALESTANIANS wit U.S. and British guns and they call also that KOSHER……READ THE TEN COMMAND which oppose you clauns……

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