Hurriyet: Armenian Diaspora Launches Attack for So-called Genocide Recognition

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Turkish Hurriyet newspaper wrote that Armenian diaspora has launched a campaign of attack for recognition of so called Armenian genocide.

Armenian diaspora in Boston has laid the foundations of ‘Armenian Heritage Park’ yesterday. The park will include a monument for so called Armenian genocide. Armenian diaspora representatives had previously asked for permission to the state officials and the request of Armenians was accepted despite the reaction of Turkish-American community.

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In France Armenian descent Deputy Mayor of Marseilles, Didier Parakyan initiated a petition for recognition of a resolution that proposes penalization of the denial of Armenian allegations regarding 1915 incidents.

Hurriyet also wrote that if left wing politic party wins the elections that will be held in the weekend, “genocide monuments” will probably be evoked in Sweden.

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One response to “Hurriyet: Armenian Diaspora Launches Attack for So-called Genocide Recognition”

  1. Part of this is our own fault. We need to have a better organized grassroots campaign. We need to counter every event that the Armenian diaspora holds (in schools, parks, ect.). Which ever school that their AYF Hitler youth camp graduate go to disperse more biased, one-sided Armenian propaganda, we must demand equal time the following day and present the truth with real, unaltered evidence, AND continuously challenge them to an open public forum debate, with full media coverage! The day of the apathetic Turk must and WILL end now!!! Also, we need to be completely united with ALL of the Turkish-Turkic-Islamic organizations in the US and the world proper! Once united, there won’t be a damn thing that the combined Armenian-Greek diasporal attack can ever acheive! We will then command attention as we win one victory after another. We can do this! The sooner we get started, the better!

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