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Assyrian Genocide Scholar in New Zealand

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Assyrian International News Agency AINA
Sept 4 2010

Auckland (AINA) — Assyrian genocide scholar Sabri Atman, director of
the Seyfo Genocide Research Center, presented a lecture on August 26
at the Assyrian Nineveh Association. In his lecture Mr. Atman outlined
the Turkish genocide of Assyrians in World War One, in which 750,000
Assyrians (75%) were killed by Turks and Kurds between 1915 and 1918.
He also discussed other genocides and pogroms of Assyrians.

The lecture also included a documentary film on the Genocide which
included interviews with individuals that lived during 1915 and
onwards and their experience and the horror they went through during
events carried out against them by the Ottoman Turks, Kurds and
Persians in WWI.

The Assyrian Youth Group, along with the Assyrian Nineveh Association
and the Assyrian community in Auckland, joined Sabri Atman at One Tree
Hill on Saturday, September 4. At this prominent location in Auckland,
Assyrian and New Zealand flags were raised. Signs reading “Never Again
1915,” “We Will Never Forget Simele 1933” and “Hands Off Mor Gabriel”
were held by the participants.

There are about three thousand Assyrians living in New Zealand, based
in Auckland.

Mr. Atman began his genocide awareness tour in early July in the
United States of America, then he came to Australia for the unveiling
of the Assyrian Genocide Monument in Fairfield (AINA 8-7-2010,
8-30-2010). From Australia he came to New Zealand will continue his
tour in Greece, Israel, Syria, Sweden, Switzerland, and Armenia for
the remaining of the year. Mr Atman’s aim is to travel to many
countries to educate Assyrians and raise awareness for the recognition
of the Assyrian Genocide.

The next stop in Mr. Atman’s tour is Athens, where he will demand the
recognition of the Assyrian Genocide from the Greek government.

Rena Shlemun contributed to this report.

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