Israel Defiantly Rejects Amano’s Demand of Nuclear Cooperation

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revealed srael nuclear weapons
Israel imprisoned humanist Mordechai Vanunu after he revealed existence of Israel's secret nuclear bombs in 1986.

Leading world countries including Turkey, Bolivia, Venezuela, China, Cuba, South Africa, and Iran alongside a vast majority of other NPT members are asking the IAEA to conduct a full investigation on Israel’s clandestine nuclear program.

September 05, 2010 (Hamsayeh.Net) – Israeli defiance continues as it once again refuses to allow International Atomic Agency inspectors visit hidden nuclear centers.

UN investigators were asked to perform a routine check of Israel’s atomic capabilities and write a report, but most inspectors said they could not complete their reports because the Israelis refused them access to designated sites, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

In fact a vast majority of NPT members have repeatedly asked the IAEA to begin work on Israeli nuclear dossier and conduct investigation on many nuclear sites so clandestinely hidden from watchful eyes of the international community since the 50’s.

Leading world countries including China, Turkey, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, South Africa, and Iran alongside a vast majority of other NPT members are asking the IAEA to conduct a full investigation on Israel’s clandestine nuclear program. Tel Aviv – currently experiencing an unprecedented level of international isolation over brutal killings of innocent Turkish citizens on board the humanitarian flotilla, last May – is supported only by a marginal group of capitals in London, Ottawa and Washington.

In all 151 IAEA members have demanded a probe of Israeli nuclear program. According to Bloomberg Israel’s FM Avigdor Liberman had flatly rejected Yukio Amono’s latest demand of more cooperation by the Israelis including signing of the NPT. Liberman rejected a probe on ‘political and legal’ grounds without further explanation!

Israel had succeeded in building nuclear weapons through direct assistances from UK, US and former apartheid regime in South Africa that ran contrary to international proliferation regulations.

, September 05, 2010

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