Chrysostomos II: foreign experts should draft Cyprus plan

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Chrysostomos II
Archbishop Chrysostomos said he briefed the Belgian official on the Church`s positions regarding the Cyprus problem

Archbishop of  Cyprus Chrysostomos II pointed out on Friday that Turkey is distancing itself from the basis of a federation solution in Cyprus and should probably be reported, and reiterated the Church`s position that foreign experts should be called in to draft a solution plan.

The Archbishop was speaking after a meeting with Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Steven Vanackere, who earlier met head of the EU negotiating delegation Leopold Maurer and Head of the EU Representation in Cyprus Androula Kaminara.

Archbishop Chrysostomos said he briefed the Belgian official on the Church`s positions regarding the Cyprus problem, noting that the Turkish side is speaking about “two states, two governments and two peoples, which is not a federal basis.“

“The Church believes that we will not reach an agreement and in order to reach an agreement we must appoint independent experts, constitutionalists, sociologists, historians, and experts on Turkish issues from European countries, who respect human rights, who will work within the principles of the EU and the UN,“ he said.

The Archbishop said that “they should work in this context to present a proper federal solution, which will be functional in order to also be viable,“ adding that, “if we do not work in this direction, I fear that a solution that our people will embrace will not be found.“ He said he explained to Vanackere that these principles concern human rights., Aug 28, 2010

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One response to “Chrysostomos II: foreign experts should draft Cyprus plan”

  1. Kufi Seydali Avatar
    Kufi Seydali

    What a paradox! Chrisostomos is following in the foot prints of Makarios.
    So, nothing has really changed. What has the church with politics to do?
    Religion should stay out of politics just as the military.

    It is absolutely ridiculous to claim foreign experts should work on a solution.
    Almost a dozen UN Secretary Generals have worked themselves to shear
    frustration in the face of Greek intransigence. There are the famous Boutros Ghali plan,
    Kofi Annan plan only to mention a few.

    This is yet another manouver to derail the direct negotiation process.
    Whenever the Greek side feels a mutually acceptable solution may be near,
    they immediately steer away avoiding realities on the ground.
    Each time creating a tabula-rassa, and hoping to gain even more concessions from
    the Turkish side.

    The leadership of the Orthodox church is responsible for the Cyprus desaster,
    and should be told to stop interfering in the peace process. What would the EU
    gentlemen say if the Turkish Cypriot religious leadership joins in the discussions?

    Religious fanatism is the last thing Cyprus needs. Cyprus is one of those places where
    people think, things cannot get any worse, and yet they do. A political settlement
    and a peaceful solution is what Cyprus needs. Only a win-win situation can withstand
    all pressures be it originating from the past or expected in the future.

    A negotiation involves 2 or more parties who each have something the other wants.
    Both parties bargain with the aim of achieving mutually acceptable results. Bargaining may
    be treated as a game but even games have principles and rules. Chrisostomos, like
    the Taliban observe the rule of God? Since God couldn’t solve the Cyprus problem since
    the 1960s, it is best left to the democratically elected representatives and negotiators
    of the two sides.

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