Turkish FM proud of Azerbaijan

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DavutogluThe withdrawal of Armenian troops from Azerbaijani lands is a key prerequisite to achieve order in the Caucasus, Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu said in an interview with private Azerbaijani ANS TV station.

He also noted that in the course of recent diplomatic contacts Russia and Turkey discussed situation in the Caucasus, in particular “occupied territories of Azerbaijan.”

According to him, Turkey wants to restore relations with Armenia and between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Today’s Zaman reported.

“We want a solution through peaceful, diplomatic means, not military,” the Turkish daily quotes Davutoglu. The Turkish FM stressed that the occupied territories do not bring wealth to Armenia, adding that citizens are leaving the country. Unlike Azerbaijan, Armenia is going poorer day-by-day. “I am proud of Azerbaijan. There is a rapid growth in Azerbaijan, it is getting richer,” he stated.

He also touched upon Azerbaijani-Turkish strategic partnership agreement, stressing that it “is not directed against any country.”

As to possible opening of the Armenian-Turkish border, Davutoglu reassured Azerbaijan that there is no ground for concern. The opening is not on the agenda, he concluded.

https://news.am/eng/news/29106.html, August 28, 2010

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