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Turkey expects respect for human rights from Israel, FM says

Photo by: Elad Brin

Photo by: Elad Brin

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Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. AA photo

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said Friday respect for human rights and human lives was a universal value and expressed expectations that other countries would show the same respect, referring to Israel.

His remarks came at a joint press conference in Ankara with his counterpart from Mexico, Patricia Espinosa, in response to a question about the government’s failure to invite the Israeli ambassador to Turkey to a traditional fast-breaking Ramadan dinner, or iftar, hosted Thursday by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for ambassadors in the capital.

“Respect for human rights is universal. But that respect has not been shown,” said Davutoğlu, referring to the Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla May 31 that left nine people dead. He expressed hope that everyone would respect human rights.

Israeli Ambassador to Ankara Gabby Levy was invited to the traditional iftar last year. The failure to extend an iftar invitation to the Israeli envoy comes in the wake of a strained relationship between the two countries since the Israeli attack on the pro-Palestine flotilla.

Ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, officials reportedly said not inviting the Israeli envoy was a symbolic reaction to the Israeli government. The chief rabbi and the head of the Turkish Jewish community, however, were present at Thursday’s dinner.

Levy reportedly also has plans to host an iftar dinner, but it was not yet clear which ministers he would invite or if his invitation would be accepted by government ministers.

Goal of Turkish foreign policy is not prestige, says FM

At the press conference, Davutoğlu was also asked about the possibility that Bulgaria, not Turkey, was being considered as the location for peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

“The goal of our foreign policy is not prestige,” said the foreign minister. He said Turkey would be pleased only if peace talks resume and results are achieved.

Asked about a meeting about Turkey in the U.S. State Department, Davutoğlu said the meeting shows how important the Turkish-U.S. relationship is.

, August 13, 2010

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