Turkish diplomat appointed to top NATO position

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No: 160, 16 July 2010

Press Release Regarding the Appointment of The Ambassador Hüseyin Diriöz to the NATO Assistant Secretary

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has informed H.E. Ahmet
Davutoğlu, Foreign Minister of Turkey, that Ambassador Hüseyin Diriöz,
currently Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of Republic of
Turkey, has been appointed to the post of NATO Assistant Secretary
General (ASG) for Defence Policy and Planning.

The need for the fair and balanced allocation of high level posts in
NATO among Allies was one of the topics that we had emphasized during
the appointment process of Secretary General Rasmussen. Through the
election of Ambassador Diriöz as ASG, our expectation in this regard
has been met.

As a result of this appointment, a Turkish citizen will assume the
post of Assistant Secretary General, after a lapse of more than 30
years. The election of Ambassador Diriöz, who has previously served on
the International Secretariat at NATO and has comprehensive knowledge
of the topics currently on NATO’s agenda, will further strengthen our
contributions to NATO.

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One response to “Turkish diplomat appointed to top NATO position”

  1. Robert Avatar

    This is excellent news! It’s also long overdue.

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