Turkey, a Stealth Superpower?

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image6537899gWhy doesn’t Turkey have a comparable grip on American visions of the future? Characters in science fiction novels don’t speak Turkish. Turkish-language programs are as scarce as hen’s teeth on college campuses. Turkey doesn’t even qualify as part of everyone’s favorite group of up-and-comers, that swinging BRIC quartet of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Turkey remains stubbornly fixed in Western culture as a backward-looking land ofdoner kebabs, bazaars, and guest workers.

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One response to “Turkey, a Stealth Superpower?”

  1. This government hs been in power for 7 years. What the ambassador says is absurd. Israil
    should go back to see what she did wrong. Untill Gaza seige in 2008, Olmert and Erdogan were
    quite close and the rlationship was good.

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